I sort of slowed down with the posting, I've been very busy the last couple days between my part time job and my public drawing ... I am pretty stoked for Wednesday though ! Because I'll be taking the day off to stay home and film/edit my dtube introduction video ! I could have done a quick and simple introduction, but first impressions last right ? So I want to make my first Dtube vid entertaining enough for people to stick around ! So like I said, Wednesday I'll be filming and doing most of the editing, and it will be uploaded by Thursday !!
I promise you @cinema613 as soon as you make that video people will see who you are and better connect with you. I know they are going to love you because you are an amazing talented man and it is a pleasure to have you here with all of us on this platform!! Bring on the content my friend!! DM me in discord if you need any help at all :D