I missed all of Mike Adams youtube videos being removed from Youtube. Saw yesterday and then watched a youtube with his podcast. I have been a fan of his material and use of science and logic for a long time. Since 2012.
In the podcast its noted that Vimeo videos are all there. Is it because on Vimeo you pay for that much bandwith to post over a thousand videos?
I am not a fan at all anymore of infowars. At all. So he is getting lots of infowars airtime and support. Which screams something. Along the way in podcast he mentions needing a new platform for videos and creating one. It would ban child pornography, snuff etc but not freedom of speech. Cool.
Has he never heard of Dtube? I just have a hard time believing that at his level. Dtube just began picking up steem and popularity with youtube purge. It also pays for videos via a community support system not ads. So why not use or promote an existing platform? Maybe he just wants to have a new venture and control his content...
Has infowars EVER mentioned Dtube? If so when? In all of Alex Jones rants about evil youtube did he ever mention Dtube?
I think these are important things to notice because youtube knew there would be backlash just like Facebook thats trying to hide its evil under Cambridge Analytica.
They always try and herd people and it takes a village. So I am not sure why certain "alt" media aren't aware of Dtube or choose not to use it but now would be a good time to make them aware.
*on the banning child porn; next time a social platform tells you they can't track it all and find it say bullshit. In an era of AI that has facial recognition, voice recognition, can formulate a net around targets and make decisions to remove content and flag it: do you really think sexually explicit content can't be found using same types of programs? Welcome to logic.
YouTube removed thousands of my Ojawall videos and YouTube is deleting gun related videos too whenever they want while allowing video game related gun videos, Twitch videos, and anything from the left that they want but not from the right. Yes, the Health Ranger may have some videos on Vimeo and other websites and that is good but YouTube is still doing what they do and Facebook and Twitter are also doing things too that are very bad in so many ways. http://DrudgeReport.com
Relevance: Alt-tech to avoid censorship.
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