In this video I shared all the tips I could for all dtubers about how to grown and improve in @dtube.
I've been creating daily videos for almost a year and half. I have a big experience and I want to share that.
1. Quality :
Talking about the quality, I don't think that you have to have a very expensive equipment to start recording. You can record always from anything you have and even a webcam may work for you. Some people don't even record themselves and they just share the screeen and talk and that's still can be a good quality.
Of course with time, you can improve and buy better camera, but if you don't have it now, just start recording from what you have. A lot of youtubers started like this and then they became really famous.
2. Trolls :
I think it's a very important part of growing in the web. While improving you will always find angry people about what you are creating and they may find anything in your videos to criticize. The may even go farther and create rumors about you and fake screens. So, just don't care about such sick people. Ingnoring them is the best way to deal with them. If you reply them, you will feed them and that's what they want from you. They lack attention in their lifes and they want to assert themselves that way.
3. Inner voice :
If you have any idea in your mind or anything to say or to do in your videos, just do it. You have always to listen to your inner voice, it may tell you a lot of right things. Don't let that be lost by postpone until next time. Try to write about that, or record that right away.
4. Consistency :
If you are palling to record videos everyday, so do it. If you want to do that once in 2 or more days, so do it. Or maybe you want to create once a week or even month if you don't have time, just do it. But when you choose the best time for you to create, be consistent in that. It's like the circulation of blood, if it stopped, the organism stop functioning. You have to support that circulation to not lose your audiance.
5. Use youtube :
With the new update of @dtube , we are able now to share our youtube links. So, why do not profit from that. Youtube has the biggest traffic in the world. Billions of views per day. It's not only good in term that your content will be there for ever, but also in term of learning because you will find a really good feedback there. It's also a very good platform to promote dtube and steem there !
6. Learn about others :
Learning about others is really important, because you will really find a lot of useful things shared by them. If you just create without watching anyone, you will not know what's trending for example, you will miss all the updates and good tricks. So, watching, subscribing, commenting others is one of the most important part of being a good creator.
7. Improve :
Improving your content is also important, so if you have the ability to buy a good equipment, go an buy it. If you are able to improve your content by adding any thing interesting to it, just do it. That's why you should learn about others, to implement what you learned and that's the best part in creatin content.
8. Join communities :
You may think that you will have to be alone creating and expect from a lot of people to watch you ? No, you have to join communities, try to be active in them. Be in touch with others. You will always find someone to help you there. We have so many communities created on the web that we even can't count them. There are communities almost about everything.
9. Be active :
That was already said, but it's important. So, I will repeat this. You just have to comment and to reply others. When your followers or subsciribers see that you are interacting with them, they will come to wathc you again and again. So, don't miss the chance to have loyal audiance that will really support you by sharing your content to the world.
10. Hypes :
There are a lot of hypes on the web. You will always find something famous that everybody is talking about. Try to create content about that as well and say your opinon. You may win a new audiance and grow that way. It's also fun to create about hypes you like. I really enjoy doing that sometimes.
11. Traffic :
As I said before that youtube has a lot of traffic, but counting only on that traffic is not enough. You have always to share your videos in blogs, forums, groups. The youtube traffic can be also in other social media. So, joining most of them is really important. When you grow your audiance in other social media, it will be easier for you to grow in a new one. You can say that they are all related somehow.
12. Tags :
Of course using the right tags is really important. Because when you use those tags, you may find people who are interested to what you are talking about. But the search engine may not recommend your content if you will use the wrong tags. You have to always use tags related to your topics, but don't use random tags or popular ones thinking that it will help you.
13. Being you :
This part is also very important. Just like I talked about trolls, people want always to change you. They want you to be the ones that they couldn't be themselves. Try to be original and do and say what you exactly want, but not what others want from you. Every person is exceptional. Do it your way !
14. Do not give up :
Of course everyone always tell us to not give up, but it's hard something to do, that's why just do not give up. lol Try to find your passion in something, it will always make you continue your journey. Find someone or something that will motivate you. Watch motivational videos, read inspired writings. Be in touch with successful people.
15. Be creative :
Of course being creative is a very important part in building your career as a content creator. Creativity will help you to improve your conent, to reach better audiance, to make better quality videos. Learning form others can help with that. Or just try to come up with very exceptional ideas. Sing, dance, wear different clothes, record in different places, try something new. Creativity has no limits.
16. Record in different places :
Maybe I said that in the part of creativity, but I want to clear this more. We are alive and we like to see real people. I understand if you want to make quality videos and you are using the green screen, but it will be always nice to record something real, from your life. Show people what's arround you. Being in different places may help you as well with coming up with more ideas for your content.
17. Editing :
Editing videos is really important skills to learn. With editing your videos, first of all you will enjoy that. Also you will be able to add to your video any kind of effects, sounds or anything you want. It's possible to make an intro and outro. It's possible to add a text or a logo. And just with editing the video may look much better than the original. You will be able to cut what you don't like and more. With editing you will be able to apply all the previous tips. ☺
18. Promotion :
Of course promoting your content is one of the best part. You have to do your best to be able to promote your channel everywhere you can. There are so many places to do so. By promoting yourself, you will promote dtube and steem that way. By promoting yourself and looking for new places and ways to do so, you will find cool creators to watch or read. By promoting you will be able to learn a lot as well.
You can watch the video version if you don't want to read !
I hope those tips are useful for you, not just like a video maker, but also as a content creators in all steem platforms and even outside. I did my best to share all the things I learned from 2 years creating conent on steem and 5 years being active on the web, looking for ways to generate some income.
Applying all those tips maybe not that easy, but if you find only some of them useful, try to use that.
Even knowing all that, I'm still learning and looking for more things to apply.
Thanks a lot for supporting me by upvoting, resteeming and commenting my content.
Keep creating, keep that flow. ☺
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wpw recently I have watched your video that was great information.And your video intro is awesome Really different intro I lik it so much brother.And thanks for share your experience
You're are very welcome. Thanks a lot for watching. ☺
Genial su entusiasmo es contagiante de verdad, me gusta mucho estos tips que nos ha proporcionada hoy, intentare seguirle los pasos, ojala y todo salga muy bien!!
Eres muy bienvenido y gracias. Incluso utilizo el traductor para entender esto. Es un placer ser comentados en español. ☺
In regards to point 1, some of the best content creators do not appear on screen.
Very good point of view. You are right, they don't even appear but they create the best content ever. ☺
never ever feed the trolls. It only encourages them.
Of course, let's feed only positive people. ☺