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RE: I'm Finallly a Whale in !

in #dtube6 years ago

Yeah, I know, it's called orca in steem, I just waited too much in steem to go somewhere. That's why I called myself a whale. I guess 500,000 is whale in steem. But I have now 167,000 and I think that's a good number. For me a whale, or an orca is almost the same. For you €100 is a dinner and for some people in other countries is a monthly salary. Even in Russia we have some people who are working for $100 a month. So, for me that's a good money. I will never be whale in steem anyway, so let's me feel that here at least. lol In the video if you watched that, I was talking about that. ☺


IMHO, because "whale" is a top, highest level, the barrier for it should be set accordingly. As it is in steem.
Whale is the largest animal on this planet, hence this title got to be used properly.
There is no such thing as "whales for poor people in Africa", and "whales for USA millionaires". Whale is a whale. Whale's size always calls for respect.
500 Steem does not seem to me to be a right level, in any environment, no matter how poor or rich it is.

One month ago I was in Madagascar, a country in the TOP10 of the poorest in the world, and even there I noticed some super luxurious cars, which I would not afford in my lifetime.
Myself I live not in a rich country, and €100 (500Steem) is a ~1/3 of my monthly state pension.
Nevertheless, I would not call anyone a "whale" in any SCOT tribe, unless his total stake of that particular token is equivalent to 10K of Steem, or more.
But this is just my personal, subjective opinion.