
It looks like lens flare... I don't really think there's any sort of conspiracy going on here. I mean I could be wrong.... but yeah... lens flare.

"Your word usage shows who sent you" LOL... paranoid much. Okay, never mind. Good luck with everything.

I say many times that we are looking at lens flares. A lens flare is a replica of the thing it is the flare of however and is good to see as a shadow and one can gain information. The diamond shaped sun with lasers coming out of the top and bottom are other than that explanation however. Nice try.

Yes, you have no idea how lens flare works I guess, how lenses and cheap sensors act when dealing with high dynamic range lighting. But I duuno, I guess you know better. After all, I'm just some Illuminati schill. Peace out.

I have no content, really, that's strange... seems like you are the new one here. Also, learn how to type, spell, use proper punctuation and grammar, etc. Not everything gets better with age I suppose. My upvotes come from supporting alamin and urme33 (the same person) who has put me on his steemvoter as well as steembasicincome. Also, you never called me a troll until just now. Anyways this is a waste of both our times. All the best. No peace just out? backs away slowly and runs

the word I used was troll actually, but anything you typed does not explain anything we saw with our eyes as far as the sun coming into frame and then out of frame in photos timed 10 minutes apart. Also, you have no content, must be new or what have you with a low rep score and to get 4 upvotes on a comment on a video that has no audience is suspect! but I don't know why you are here if you think I was trying to say a lens flare was anything other than a lens flare. I am definitely going to look through this now and time stamp what I am saying. Perhaps there is something that could be a lens flare and I don't state it as such. I am always willing to learn and explore. No peace- just out

Hi once again, just wanted to apologize here, wasn't looking into getting into a 'flame war' with you but I can understand how I brought it upon myself with my original cocky-sounding comment about the lens flare. In either case putting down another person isn't really called for and I do apologize for that, it's easy to get caught up in emotions and want to lash out from that but that's hardly ever coming from a good place. Hope there is no heart feelings

yes, with age comes the confidence finally that I do in fact know better

your word usage shows who sent you