Second online meeting. We would like to thank the communities Goana Dupa Bitcoin / Crypto Romania / Concorde Crypto Security Company / Crypto Coffee for making this possible.
- Elemente de securitate pe blockchain (Exemplu : Prima solutie dezvoltata pe blockchain - Bitcoin - ) -Concorde
- Exemplu 1 - Cum este protejata valoarea in sistemul de Exchange Centralizat si alte elemente de securitate in tranzactii si pe web - Invitat Vlad Sas (fondator vTrader.io)
- Exemplu 2 - Optimizari de securitate in sisteme de Exchange Centralizat - Invitat Sabin Simionescu (CTO si co-fondator la ldvbank.com)
Romanian Language
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The following material is in Romanian language. It was recorded on 9 of Nov 2019 from the Zoom live meeting.