I don't really see it as competition. I'm using Brave on my computer for private browsing, and on my phone because it doesn't download all the trackers and therefore save me money (as I don't run out of my monthly data plan).
And if I allow ads in my feed, I even get paid by Brave (eventually - not sure if that feature is switched on yet, though I got quite some BAT this month, so it must be on, I don't think I have that many fans yet, who have favorited my website or youtube channel ;))
I see Steemit and Brave as two different things.
yeah, in addtion to that i did not want to guard another account. i am happy to watch all my crypto and steem accounts so i did not want to set up another one.
but brave shows you, how much of the internet is actually just pure data tracking.
and now as steemit.com puts on ads it might be useful for steemians. I actually loved the ad free design here without disturbing consumerist ads.
i acutally would love to see a BAT/Steem market on blocktrades.us