You can now earn 70% of the ad income that the Brave browser makes!
Download the Browser if you don't use it yet! Especially if you are a content creator with your own website or youtube channel. Then you can earn even by letting your audience support you with their BAT tokens.
You can download the browser simply at brave.com, or through my link, if you're happy for me to receive some BAT tokens as a small reward: https://brave.com/con973
This browser is highly recommended not only if you want to get paid for surfing the web. By default it actually comes with all the ads switched off! (Very nice, especially on the new Steemit.com site :)) It's also super fast and it has a connection with TOR and allows for totally private surfing.
Really, check it out!
The best part: it works just like Chrome and most of the Chrome extensions work in the Brave browser, too! So making this switch shouldn't inconvenience you at all! :)
Here are the settings you need to have in order to allow ads:

Just in case, here's also the youtube version:
About the author:
Anja Schuetz is a cryptocurrency mentor for absolute beginners, with specific focus on women and non-digital natives. She also consults as a Customer Communication & Operations Manager for blockchain start-ups.
Anja offers a Free Bitcoin Beginner's CourseBeginner's Guide to Steemit when you sign up to her Conscious Crypto Museletter here: http://anjaschuetz.net and has also written a

▶️ DTube
Will try :-) Resteemed :-)
This sounds too good to be true, but looks like I'll be downloading it. 😂
Posted using Partiko Android
I know, right! 😄 I hope in the future we will consider this “normal”.
You’re not gonna make millions, but it’s all true.
I’ve received small payouts in BAT every month since I started using it, and have also successfully cashed out (to Uphold wallet, as mentioned at the end of the video). This is as a content creator and registered “Brave Publisher”, though.
If you’re only earning ad rewards, right now you can’t cash out yet, but you can start accumulating until that’s possible, or you can use it to donate to your favorite publishers on the web.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Will try this out later tonight 😁
Posted using Partiko Android
I will give it a go :D I doubt it but let's go anyway :D
It's always good to doubt and test things out for yourself :)
Yep. I'm not sure about the rewards yet but this browser is fast!
I get 0.05 bat per ad .
How do you know how much you get, @lichtblick? Does it say that somewhere?
Posted using Partiko iOS
0.05 bat per ad. Go to brave rewards and you can see how many ads you have watched and the rewards.
I still didn't have any ad activity, but I now figured out why! I was missing some settings in another screen.
Have updated the post! I should hopefully see something by tomorrow :)
Yes!!! And I would especially recommend it for your phone - it can really save you money on data (when you have ads switched off), because it doesn't download all the tracker stuff in the background.
Downloaded it but ads aren't supported in Australia yet, so going to wait until it has it unfortunately.
Ah pity! But maybe you enjoy its speed and complete lack of any ads til then :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
this is the message I see in my brave browser, any clue if this is some setting I did not see?
Did you install the browser just now, or before they switched on ads? If it was before, you need to update it to the latest version first (menu Brave --> About Brave --> Update/Relaunch)
If it still says coming soon, maybe it's not available in your country yet?
Outstanding video Anja!
I'm going to do this either today or tomorrow. I already use Brave as one of my many browsers, but I'll delete it and reinstall via your link :)
Gotta make all those sweet tokens haha.
Oh that's so sweet! But really no need to go through the extra effort! :)
Hast du eingentlich auch Airtime als Extension im Brave Browser? Da gibt es Tubes für reine online Zeit als Reward.
Echt? Nee, kenn ich noch nicht! Hast Du einen referral link?
Ich hab übrigens immer noch zero ad rewards ;) hm...
Ja da gibt es auch einen referal link mit 5 tubes per sign up. Hier ist der normale link.
Merkwürdig mit deinen Rewards. Läuft hier ohne Probleme mit bis zu 5 Ads pro Stunde.
Bist du noch in Thailand? Könnte dann eventuel. daran liegen. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bittube-airtime-donations/cnogbbmciffpibmkphohpebghmomaemi
need dtube and seemit to join on so We can turn our time into the steem block chain and increase both their values
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I signed up for a publisher !!!