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RE: My TOP 3 Tips For NEW SteemIt Members (And My FIRST DTube Video)

in #dtube8 years ago

Could someone please tell me if this video even plays? I cannot get it to play for me, along with several other videos on DTube. Some play and some don't. Please let me know if you are able to watch this video in it's entirety. I would appreciate it. Also, I see no way to delete or edit the video. I'm open to tips and suggestions.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Oh that's great to hear because I put quite a bit of work into it!

I'm just learning how to make Chromakey (green screen) videos and so far this one has been about the best quality wise.

I absolutely LOVE DTube and I realize that when something is new it takes time to work out the bugs.

I think it's great and can't wait to make my next video!

Thanks for taking the time to assist me :)