The former editor of Time / former Undersecretary of State for Public Policy thinks the US government propagandizing its own citizens is just fine and dandy. And where did he deliver these remarks? At the CFR, of course! Shocking, I know.
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Excellent catch James! Some very good insight into the minds of the administrative class on how they keep the show going.
I watched the whole event.
I'd say that overall, this is good news. The alternative media has a great deal of opportunity at the moment based on the fears these folks are expressing. That's probably why their pushing them off the main platforms at the moment. But one also has to read a bit between the lines with some of the points they are making. It sounds to me like some of the narratives they try to push are not succeeding the way they would like.
I'd also point out the comment in regard to "there is money available..." and "people should apply for grants" and... "there's interest from the top down to solve this" has to wonder exactly who these audience members are... and their intelligence connections. I don't think this is just a bunch of school teachers from some average journalism schools.
The arrogance of psychopathy is the tell that never stops giving.
Is the keyword nuance/differentiation of this "Time" statist slave's propaganda "domestic"? Ever the systems thinker I am immediately reminded that the governments (slave masters) considered weather warfare of such importance that they drafted and implemented a treaty limiting the application of weather warfare/biological warfare to be contained as operations conducted on domestic populations only, not international. This psychopathic arrogance and pathology of "domestic" perception of citizens as livestock property is no longer hidden from the herd itself, and yet there is but little noise of dissent arising from these here people farms.
Consider the present rollout of 5G Weapons Systems with zero testing or disclosure of deadly microwave radiation per the command of the FCC in the USA, and observe the diametrical opposition of dissent as most of the herd simply can't contain their excitement over its final arrival. Is there any threat perception in the minds of these propagandists given the number of decades USA citizens have devolved to plateau below any value added level of conscious activity? Of course that's merely a rhetorical question lost on the herd that couldn't construe my words as an insult nor truth. Propaganda is only effective when you tell people what they already want to hear, and that goes for the audience at the CFR meeting. My enemy's propaganda has no effect upon me. As the herd(s) are willing their consent and participation with the enemy so they are also enemy. Bottom line focused misanthropy is rational. Propaganda is only of utility to the irrational (unconscious). Let the dying bury the dead.
If any of my written paradigm is acceptable, then it follows that propaganda ceases to be propaganda once the herd responds to it without thought but by grateful adoration for having been gifted any simple que and directive. One really has to question at this point if the herd can actually become so dumb as to expire en-masse by simply forgetting to breathe. If so I hope it be sooner than later. Then maybe there won't be any cause to keep the "Time" twits around and they too can be thrown into a hole with the herd that they so affectionately exercised their superiority over. Watching these people today always manifests regret when memories arise of how many times I defended nerds getting bullied on the old schoolyard. But then nostalgia means nothing in these days where men are raised as broken girls or worse. Perhaps someday when the blood drains from the streets, the art of kicking the shit out of psychopaths will experience a revival.
Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA