Finding Joy in Unexpected Places

in #dtube6 years ago

Hi Friends,

In this vlog, I share a question that I've been asking myself lately that is helping to me find more joy in everyday moments.

I like asking myself, "What is the present of the present moment". This has really helped me to not only ground back into the moment, but to share a small moment of gratitude for something that is happening in my life.

I'm also super excited because this is the first vlog I'm sharing from my new recording space! I love how the plants, art and lights help me feel more inspired while I'm in there working and creating.

So what do you do in your everyday life to stop, slow down, and appreciate the little joys that come up in your day?

Xo, Lea



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I like what you’ve done with your filming space. The plants are a nice touch and help the room come to life.

What you said about being in the present moment and appreciating the things around you is something I feel we as a society need to do more often.

For me, especially during the summer and fall months, I enjoy going on runs and bike rides down a trail near my home. There is one spot on this trail in particular that is super special.

The path all of a sudden opens up to this beautiful array of scenery. Open fields, rich green trees, and blue skies far as the eye can see.

It’s quite amazing and I often times will stop and just stand there in awe of Gods creation. I’ve even shot a few videos there where I just felt such incredible peace.

And in that moment, all of a sudden, I feel so small in a world that is so big. A calmness sweeps over me and I don’t want to leave.

It gives me a chance to unwind and just exist. So yes, nature does it for me the most, and thank you for bringing up this topic, Lea.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the beautiful comment Ken! Your description sounds so lovely and I can totally picture it! Getting out in nature is one of the best ways to recharge and feel connected. :) Love it.

In this moment, I would like to understand the beauty and meaning of what seems to be a porcelain feather hanging from your plant stand.

Bahahaha that’s exactly what it is. 🤣

Not only finding joy in unexpected places, but also on the small things that life has to offer.

Most of the time we are stressed out because of petty/unimportant things, and just ignore the moments of joy. I´m saying this as a youngster, specially us, suffer from that. We want to live the most that we can, but we end up losing the actual joy of living... if it makes sense.

SO True!!! Most of the time when we are stressed it is because of little things that really don't even matter in the grand scheme of life.

The greens does add a little something something :)
And the lights are cute

It's a good question
Sometimes we are just way too busy ;)

Wishing you a Fabulous 2019

Thanks for the feedback on my new space!! Wishing you a fantastic 2019 as well!

Some of your thumbnails, especially the one for this video, spark a little joy for me. In general though, I do notice the little things like where I might have influenced someone's decision to vlog in front of the camera rather than behind it or make small modifications to their lives that will have positive ripple effects later on down the track.

awww @shaidon!! I'm so glad that my content is helping to spark joy for you! That totally made my day.

When I hear that I have made someone's day, that's also a source of joy for me. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

With the great weather we have had lately, I have been spending more time outdoors whether to go for a jog or take my daughter bike riding, it has allowed me to really feel the air and life that surrounds us. It is almost a therapy of the digital lives we all live these days.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Mmmm love it!! Great that you still have good weather and can get out and enjoy nature so much right now. :)

It really is a nice break from staring at the screen!

Actually, that's something I need to think about, and work on, because I realized that I don't have a routine like this and I miss it. In summer, it's easy to go out for a walk and enjoy the moment, but summers are short and I need an enjoyable routine for the rest of the year, too.

Oh I totally agree! Walking is one of my favorite ways to get out of my head and just enjoy the moment. It's currently pouring down rain where I live though - so I need to shake up my routine too. :)

Good luck and thanks for leaving such a thoughtful comment!

I start my day with meditating and bringing some of that joy that I may be experiencing to share with all those around me.
You'll be surprised if you can spread a little joy the responses you will get back.
My your New Year be filled with love and joy!

Mmm love it! I used to start my day meditating but got out of the habit when I started working at 6am and had to get up early. Maybe i'll have to give it another go though because starting the day in that way is so much nicer than just a mad rush to get out the door for work. :)

Thanks for the joy-filled comment!

I hear you about having to rush out the door but I really feel it is worth it to get your day started off right and meditation works for me!
Here's to creating wonderful day!