Hello Friends!
Lately I have been getting a lot of inquiries about my username and what it means… so I thought I’d share that with you! Ps… My name is not Cate (common misconception).
I would also LOVE to hear the story of your username! Did you decide to use your real name, or come up with something different? There are many schools of thought on choosing a username, but there are clear trends.
Trend #1
Some people use their real name. For example - @wadepatterson, @paolajane, @steemmatt, and @brian.rrr.
Trend # 2
Some people include a description of what their blog is about! For example - @allasyummyfood, @surfermarly, @polebird, @melbookermusic, and @goldmatters. (This seems to be the most popular trend because SO many examples came to mind!)
Trend # 3
Finally, some come up with interesting words or phrases that are significant to them in some way. I went this route because I didn’t want to use option number one, and I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to blog about when I signed up. Some examples of others using this method would be - @firepower, @luczypher, and @raised2b.
Does Picking a Good Username Really Matter?
Yes and no.
Producing good content and engaging with the community in a meaningful way has WAY more to do with your success on the platform. That being said, picking something that is easy to read, easy to say, and memorable in some way can help you out.
If your username is super long and hard to understand, people are less likely to remember it or take the time to type it out and tag you in things. Long usernames are okay if they are clear words strung together to form a phrase, but if it is a bunch of letters and numbers jumbled together – no one is going to know how to say it and thus will have a hard time remembering it.
What Does Coruscate Mean?
Coruscate is honestly just a word that I really like! It means, “To reflect brilliantly, to sparkle”. I think this really encapsulates me and the energy I try to bring into the world. We will save the “Building your brand” conversation for another day…but I hope you guys can feel that energy through my posts here.
Did I do a good job picking my username? Yes and no. I did a good job because I really like it (most important factor), and because it is pretty short and easy to say. The only problem, is that no one knows what that word means! Well, maybe a few of you will now after reading this post. It has also created some confusion over what my real name is, and so from a branding perspective – I made it a bit too vague. Like I said above though, I think your reputation on the platform is determined by your content and engagement – having a good user name is just icing on the cake!
So what is my real name? Lea :) ps… I disclose a fun fact about my name in the Dtube video!

Respecting Anonymity
Some people prefer to stay anonymous, which is why they chose a username that does not disclose their personal information. I am totally fine either being called Lea or Coruscate – but not everyone feels the same way. As you get to know people better on the platform and you learn their names, maybe check with them to see their preference. Please be respectful if they would prefer to not have that information posted publicly.
What About You?
I hope you guys enjoyed learning a bit more about me and my username. Now it’s YOUR turn to share! How did you come up with your username? Now that you’ve been using it for a while… do you still like it?
Xo, Lea
▶️ DTube
Great post! I went with trend #2 :)
Voted and followed. Check out my page if you get a chance, would love the support back!
Great to meet you!! I see we both have a love of wine and travel, so of course we should be friends! Hehe
Love it! And, I learned a new word!! Had no idea what it meant.
My husband and I are using our real names, sort of. My name is Amy Honey, his is Jamie Honey, and most of our friends (and even parents), just call us The Honeys. ;)
I found you through the steem conference that is coming up in Vegas. I am also one of the speakers! Can't wait to meet you in person!!!
That’s so fun! What a great last name!
How cool that we will get to meet in Vegas!!! This is going to be so fun.
My username is telling people where I'm from.
Tim Dutch means I'm a Dutch guy who's name is Tim :)
And yeah engagement. Probably I still need to learn a lot about Steemit and how it all works.
That’s awesome! I totally noticed that when I was watched your vlog the other day. Pretty brilliant username!
I am not Dutch at all, but I went to high school in a predominantly Dutch town! I actually dated a guy for a few years that was 100% Dutch. I still make boerenkool from time to time! haha
That is a great word... I need to incorporate it into my vocabulary.
My username factism is a nickname i have been given and using right from high school. It expresses my personality of always gigging up and giving out facts about things that are unknown.
Do you mean lea is your real name?
Oh that’s awesome! I bet you are a great person to bring to trivia night. 😉. Yes, my name is Lea.
Definitely, i wont mind. Thank you for the compliment. Lea is a beautiful name, i have a neighbor of the same name, no wonder she's beautiful like you.
Wow your username has a beautiful meaning. Mine is just my name (Valerie), only spelled differently. I have been using this username for almost any accounts so I definitely love my username ☺️
Oh that’s cool! Fun that you took your name and switched it up a little. For some reason vaelriey looks a little more badass.😉
My name is Samson,if u spell it backwards it's nosmas,very easy username
Oh that’s brilliant!! I never thought of doing something like that!
my name is quite different, hope it will get the meaning out of it, fingers crossed 🤞
You might have to help me out here. 😜
my username is what my name is, @muhasib 😊
I used my real name, I have always love originality
Ooh that’s a beautiful name! Thanks for sharing.
Actually name is not real factor to earn popularity. To be success in life you have to remain great quality. All will know you seeing Your quality. So I think name doesn't matter. My knicknane is tasmi.
my user name @deronke has bin my nickname from childhood, its carved from Aderonke. I dont think I can trade it for another, its now a trademark for me as a brand.
Cool I didn't know that about your username. I think you can have success with any name really. I chose mine because I got tired of being late to every platform and not making anything of it like youtube now it's way too late to start. I think we're still early on steem and have a good chance so I made alphasteem😁💪.
Very brilliant idea for sharing with one another!
My name is a short (in my Polish language) for a game called Chinese Whispers because in what I share are ideas I find worth talking or singing about although there can never be a guarantee that I have understood them fully when I first heard them whispered in my heart.
I had no idea that "coruscate" was an actual word! I will admit, I thought your name was "Cate" too :) I just went with my real name, which is unique in itself. But it's true that if you build a loyal following here and produce quality content, your name isn't too important. Just something that is easy to remember so people can recommend you and find your blog again.
My real name is Marko Markovso bil.prag was created when i was opening my Instagram acc and for some reason i did not want to connect it with facebook. in the process of this name is taken, that name is taken i remembered how DEATH from Terry Pratchett book chosen his name and it was funny to me and also i was certain that no one had used it. and the @bil.prag was created :)
Name goes a long way, I use my real name maybe because I love it. Some people change their name because they believe it comes with power or favour forgetting the power and favour still stands if they use their name while others don't like to be know like stay in the shadows. But name is the first time before anything.
mine's a username i've used for almost everything since about 1996 or so...except in places like IG where it was already taken!
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Hmm. I learned something new, @coruscate.
My username harkens back from the days of AOL. My Dad is a huge Rockets fan, so when he set up or accounts he used part of our first name and added 'rocket. So the original name was justrocket. For convenience, and because I never really thought it was important, I continued to use this name for other accounts.
But as time went on, there were other justrocket that would best me to the punch. So, wanting to use the minimal level of thought on something I didn't find that important, I just used my last name with rocket added instead.
For me, the rocket has to do with space and always has. I didn't realize that Dad meant it for sports until I was much older.
Mine, reflects my expectation and purpose - I believe that every 100 years or so, there is a shift towards more or less freedom in the USA - the last time was 1909 - 1913.
I will post about this in more detail in the future and as I gained more followers in the freedom movement / shift. This is directly reflected in the shift from fiat to virtual assets AKA cryptocurrenties and here at steemit, this is also an integral part of free speech.
Cool post! My username originated from me creating a crypto meme instagram page. I was going to replicate my instagram post on Dmania/Steemit but I felt that I would have more fun blogging about my love for Anime. Now I'm stuck with the name crypto-taco on here haha
Of all the words you could have chosen,
Why "coruscate"??
Whoa I've never thought like that.
I see username, I type my real name
the original name is very important to us, but we tapih ponder what it means a name that is important we have a sincere person for fellow human beings. it's very thankful
Well i'm from #Trend 3 It's kinda different though don't you think dear ? @coruscate
Another great topic Lea! I learned a new word today, thank you. Ok, my business name is Scott Shots Photography so @scottshots is something I've used on other platforms and I still like it. I chose my business name nearly 20 years ago because my name Scott Thompson is a very common name. I actually am friends with two other Scott Thompson's in my small town. And one of them also shoots real estate photography like I do! It's caused some fun with confused clients reaching the wrong Scott, lol. Cheers!
Thanks for the vocabulary lesson! I remember one year I had a teacher who would give us a daily word and then encourage us to use it throughout the day. My nerdy friends and I would compete to see who could use the word more. Such fun!
As for my name, we called our first homestead Crowbar Farm. I used to MamaBear for my name, but it became too popular, so CrowbarMama was born.
Funny story, I just went to a Steemit meetup in N. I'd and I guess the joke was they expected CrowbarMama to be tatted up, rollin' up on a Harley. Instead, I show up in my suburban with 4 kiddos.
TBH, I hadn't thought about the connotation of the word crowbar, just that it was a really useful tool in all the rebuilding we had to do on the farm. But I'm still happy with it.
Dashing! to say the least! Agreed on the accuracy of your username here (:
Iron Yogin is a different take on the word Yogi and what it means to define one self with yogas. in my opinion adding the iron aspect and the N at the end sound much more strength and resilience based phonetically. . the yogi part of me is the center; the core values of the yoga system. my aim with this name is the introduction of a brand that portrays a different side of yoga, one that is not largely seen by the public thought stream.