
yeah is this finally happening ?!

It`s on the road! Let it roll!

dtube it better than youtube

it needs more users, without high number of users decentralization is meaningless.

Hey man, it`s beta. If vou are in a hurry, move slowly!

nice to watch this video and i also like decentrelize and its really a freedom to whole crypto and all of us @craig

hay man whazzap??/


Sir is Dtube replacing the youtube....?



I hope so!

Great material. Thanks Craig 😘

Twenty years from now, there is an old man on a bed with his final breaths saying "here's my private key"

That is said ,isn't it ?

Where can we buy it's coin?

Awesome! If you're a gamer please follow my channel! :)

I am not buying. cause I dont have money....... :(

@craig-grant,I think you are forgetting about Zappl.

Dtube being decentralized is quite interesting...let's see how far is gonna go in future usage

also use Dtube. Awesome !
Who did find any problems into it?

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment