Oh man, that looks so refreshing! You are not going to believe this, but my daughter's #1 allergen is CARROTS!! It's such a tragedy- no carrot in soups, no carrot cake, no cole slaw!! And since we avoid artificial colors, we also have to be super careful about what is used in natural food colors because both orange and purple carrots are often substituted for color!
Anyway, I still have carrots from time to time on the side and we're hoping our cabbages actually grow this year, so maybe I'll try this. I use my Vita Mix constantly but have been thinking that for kraut and such a food processor would be nice. Do you like yours enough to recommend it?
Lastly, I love how you measure! That's my kind of cooking lady! Many blessings to y'all!
Im so sorry! For her and for you!! I struggle measuring! Just a little here and a little there!