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RE: Inside Intel! Trump’s Secret 🙄 Strategy EXPOSED

in #dtube8 years ago

TPP is dead. That alone, quite complaining. We didn't elect Ron Paul, reason being Ron Paul is too correct. To get someone decent in office, they had to hold some of the traditional deceived Republican base point of views, Trump was the guy and now we see the results of what the traditional Republican base believes. Traditional Republicans like war, and they like killing terrorists. We do fund the Afghan military these days, so now we are just sending troops there instead of arming the Afghan's to do it. Trump will get terrorists killed too, he'll find the right generals to do it, even though I think killing terrorists is pointless other than as a great way to fund the military industrial complex. The MIC is big. It's hard to beat. It requires rewiring the minds and retraining several generations of American voters.