
Yes, you can delete the videos from Dtube. To do so follow those steps.

  1. Login on steemit to the account that was used to post the video on Dtube.
  2. Go to the blog section of your account.
  3. Click on the Steemit post that shows your Dtube video.
  4. On the bottom you will see a Reply, Edit and Delete link. Click on Delete.

This will delete the post on Steemit but also on your Dtube channel.

Take in consideration that the Delete link appear only during a limited amount of time after uploading the video at Dtube.
On old steemit posts, the delete link disappear and you cannot remove it anymore.

How old are we talkin'?

My video is less than an hour old and I can't delete it.

This does seem a bit bizarre, a have a video that won't play anymore & I also can't delete it. Shockingly amateur to not be able to edit vids after upload, or at least delete and replace.
It won't help Steemits/Dtube popularity, as someone mentions here, a hide (only me see?) video feature is surely possible?

There is no option for delete !?

if the video has a like, you can not delete it anymore. :/

Thanks the answer I needed :D Thanks!

I accidentally deleted it even with two votes by editing the video description or title in my blog feed lol..

That's stupid because there are bot accounts on steem right now that are auto liking posts.

This doesn't work for me because steemit took off the delete option on most of my videos and another problem im having with steemit is why are my videos going back to $0.00 SBD? Can some please give me an answer and help me with this? This is so frustrating 😑😣😶😖

Seems like this policy may have changed, but currently, it appears things become immutable after 7 days...

I see it the same way. All videos are at $ 0.00 .... What is going on ??? And why can not you delete videos or at least hide them.

did you find the answer to why your videos went back to 0.00? I found my older videos did.. so strange!
I managed to "delete" my video by accident by editing the blog version of my video.. but I did this using the eSteem app (not sure if it's because of the app)

Hey Vincy, no, unfortunately, I have found no apparent reason and in the forums, I'm not smart :(
I only get a few votes. Did you get any new information? Best regards, Georg

I think it could be to do with editing the post.. that's the only thing that could possibly affect it..

Do you mean if you edit the post yourself? I mean, that may not be my own.

Thats because everything they promised, they are now shitting on people. I started telling D-Tube they needed to fix their uploading speed and now I can't even upload anymore videos on there. The censorship is real

That's a very helpful post :-) Thsi is what upvotes are fore. Thank you.

Did you ever get an answer to this question?

nop... i guess in future they gonna fix this kind of things.

i saw some videos, i understand that in the blockchain isn't possible delete the video, but i guess you can hide away, maybe it will be useful to users to have the possibility of hide some content that you don't want to see in your channel any more.

My OCD will really bug me if I cant delete videos. OMW

I did manage to delete one. Hip hip hooray.😂

How did you do it?

ya man please share how you deleted a video.

You can delete a video by "error" I did it by editing my blog feed of the video.. let me know if it works for you? two of my first videos were accidentally deleted in this way..

Doesnt look like that feature is available yet. Looks like there is a bit of work to be done, but worth the wait I think :)

if the video has a like, you can not delete it anymore. :/
you can only delete it, if it has no like.

This doesn't work for me because steemit took off the delete option on most of my videos and another problem im having with steemit is why are my videos going back to $0.00 SBD? Can some please give me an answer and help me with this? This is so frustrating 😑😣😶😖

I'm having this problem too! I can't find an answer can you?

Ok, so click on my blog. Then from your blog, click on the video you want to delete, as if you were going to watch it. Then at the bottom, it gives you an option to reply, edit, or delete. Once your video has received a like, you can only edit it, because the delete option dissappears.

I found that my video disappeared when I edited the video in my blog lol....
sad cos I already had votes on them too!

Not good, I need to delete several videos, as I never checked the quality of the video when I ripped it from YT : (

I think someone auto liked it which is why. I don't see a way to do it via dTube either.



True, you can't delete vids that have a vote/comment or are older than 7 days... but you can do something amazing now ;) You can now edit your video's info and update the hash to show a current/pinned video.

Now in my case, I don't have those old videos anymore, so my links are pretty useless... what I did was I retitled the videos as "Expired" and replaced the snap hash with random type (sdjfka) and updated... the channel now shows a gray box and the title "Expired" for all my dead videos. It's still a bit cluttered, but it's better than people going to my channel and clicking vids that they'd think were still working but aren't...

Let's ask the devs for a soft delete that at least hides our dead vids from public view, thus cleaning up our channels.