Yeah you’re about the third person to suggest looking into the natural anti-inflammatories. That combined with doing an illumination diet for the common food allergies would at least knock dietary off the list. As for inhaling wheat I already wear a mask have been for six months not really helping. May need to get a full air purification unit and see if that helps, the painters mask with a canister.
So far the conclusion does seem to come back to environmental in someway either what I’m consuming or what I’m inhaling.
Essentially the doctors are stumped and I now have to wait for a specialist to look my case over so in the mean time I will look into the natural solutions the physicians won’t even consider!
You are right, your example is much more severe in the short term but I have like 10 years of exposure.... I wonder which is actually worse 😝
Yeah, I think you have the right conclusion, about the environmental. Most things in our environment are invisible, so hard to really see them. Thing about it is, it would probably take you months outside that environment to feel better - but you could try going somewhere else for a few weeks to see? Either way, I do hope you feel better soon!
I have some time off coming up but may not be enough time, I do plan to head back to my home town and stay there during that time. I suppose all I can do now is a little trial and error with diet maybe figure it out that way for now....
Fingers crossed 🤞
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