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RE: The Ironic Thing About Reaching 100k Subcribers on Youtube

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

That's encouraging, Tony robbins also often say that people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade or lifetime. I had one channel on youtube that reached 3500 in less than a year with just one of my videos on it (or wait, i had made 42 o so videos actually on a previous channel but moved the successful video to a new channel that grew) but now I started a new channel and in one year it just has 235 followers with 100 of my videos on it, quite discouraging. :/ And 5 followers on Dtube/steem. In 2 days though ;)


Yes! Inlocd Tony Robbins ❤️
Yeah Youtube can be a tough and tricky game to play. Especially because it is the algorithm that dictates everything on their.
That’s why I love Steem an Dtube though. I more “real” community on here in my opinion. 😁
Looks like you just got another follower 👍🏻