What Video Game Have You Spend the Most Time Playing?

in #dtube7 years ago

For me it's pretty clear, the Grand Theft Auto games, and Microsoft Flight Simulator...how about you? Not much of a gamer, but do like to relax playing a game here and there...

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Super Marios Bros and an oldie called SimFarm :)

haha I still play Super Mario World on a SNES emulator

SimFarm!!! Great and addictive game :)

Dude, DON"T SAY YOU HAVE AN EMULATOR. The Feds are gonna come after you !

In all seriousness though, love that you guys are Mario Fans, and Smash bros fans. I knew I liked you for a reason...

The 2 games I'm playing the most right now are Rocket League (which is great for releasing stress) and Xenoblade 2 which is amazing but incredibly anxiety inducing! HA man that game is intense.

haha are people not supposed to admit to that?

Emulation is kind of a dirty blemish to collectors. Some are more understanding than others, and legally, emulation is not something you ever want to publicly announce you do. It could come back to bite you if a rights holder decides to sue you for it. Though they tend to go after the people distributing the ROMs and hacks.

well, fortunately everything i say is for entertainment purposes only and fictional.

I see what you did there...

I was hooked with Destiny game at one point but I had slowed down nowadays!

I like the flight simulator, I need to get the latest version

My favorite video game is command and conquer.

I wanted half my childhood on playing SIMS! Ha ha!

Definately Grand theft Auto and the Wolfenstein series

Investments turned out to be the best game. If you can beat minecraft then you can run circles around bankers imo.

I agree. It's so much fun watching your investments grow.

In terms of lifetime hours spent, it's probably Legend of Mana or one of the first generation Pokemon games.

Recently, however, my most played game is Warframe. It's a free to play 3rd person shooter with a science fiction bend. It's fairly grindy, but that's what give it the longevity. You explore, you work towards building that new weapon/suit, and you build friends along the way.

Legend of Mana, wow, I never played it cuz I didn't have an SNES and when I had access to it I lost interest. I hear amazing things though... Chrono Trigger anyone?

Legend of Mana is the third in the series, it's on the PS1. If you have a PS3, it's in the PSN store for about $8. Arguably one of the best non-final fantasy RPGs on the platform. Huge replay value, hand drawn sprites, and 2 player co-op!

The videogame i spended the most time was world of warcraft, with this game i found many wonderful people and i stay in touch with them after many years i stopped playing it (2010)

Mine would definitely be 'space invaders', i really loved it then.

Hours of my life spent playing Runescape almost certainly dwarf more recent things. This decade it's been pro cycling manager though. I like sports management sims

Madden Football. With a family and busy work schedule there is not much time to play games. I found a way to kill two birds with one stone. I play madden while I run on the treadmill. I run much farther because I don't get bored and I get to play my game! Wife cannot complain. lol

i had play toOverwatch during 2 years for become pro.. but only reach semi-pro...
and in solo game i think i lost all my life on The Legends Of Zelda (All Version)

You should try darksouls....

Probably Skate or Die on the Gameboy circa 1991.

Albion Online. Gathering in The T5 zones is so relaxing.

very good post

I think Final Fantasy (specially FFIX) and Borderlands series

nice post

Pretty confident I've played most hours, or should I say days, on World of Warcraft


[Edit: Technically just a computer game]

Fifa and call of dutyalways playing fifa , call of duty , call of duty fifa I luv ♡ call of duty and fifa :D

I hear from true gamers that iphone apps are the “pintos” of the gaming world, but I Love my Clash of Clans (over 4 years strong) and Clash Royale. In the 80s I loved intellivion’s ‘Burger Time’

VERY COOL POST! Brought back a lot of memories! Of course, E.T. by the company Atari, Inc. Blessed 2018 my Friends! :)

final fantasy series

The two games I have played more in recent years than anything are Fallout 4 and Skyrim. I swear those two games can sink me into a bottomless pit of time wasting and I don't move from my couch for 4 months. You can see the doritos stains from where I was sitting. True story.

Warthunder & Civ.

I think its csgo.