Terrible Trump Tax Bill Passes, Americans More Opposed Than Ever

in #dtube7 years ago

As the tax bill got closer and closer to passage, Americans became more and more opposed to it. Aren't our elected officials supposed to represent the will of the people? To be clear: I benefit from this bill due to the new stipulations about pass through income from businesses, but morally I have no choice but to oppose it

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morally I have no choice but to oppose it

Taxation = teft
Taxation is what we should oppose actually!

Taxation is not theft. That is a common libertarian trope, but an easily debunkable one. Will be doing an interview with a libertarian about it soon.

If you oppose taxation, you oppose all wars. So if we stop fighting wars, we can get taxed less, right?

I oppose needless spending on wars that don't need to be fought. That's where all our taxes go. The rest we borrow from the future.

If you truly feel that way then get off the interenet (which was created at state universities) and walk yourself to some unclaimed territory.

Kleptocracy is so hot right now.

it's YUUUUUUUUUUUUGE right now

What I've found most interesting with Trump, given his stance against alcohol...etc, he's more aligned with Muslims than Obama ever was, yet that's rally cry for Racists to band together. Do they not realized they represent the very thing they hate? The hypocrisy is not lost on the rest of us. Trump supporters, you are idiots and you were manipulated and duped to the highest level. We forgive you...I only hope you can forgive yourselves. It's not too late to still be Americans, and salvage what Trump hasn't yet destroyed. Stand against our country, and you are the same Traitor Trump is.

Yeah.... that makes sense. Do appreciate your forgiveness though.

I am not a Trump supporter but you might want to take a look at Article 3 Section 3 of the US Constitution which explicitly defines what Treason is.

American's didn't like the ACA either but it still passed along party lines. Don't get me wrong: I don't like the tax bill, but I'm not sure Republicans are doing anything out of the ordinary here. This is exactly what people should expect to get when they vote Republican.

I expect them to read the bills. I expect them to work for the American people, not lobbyists. Republican or Democrat. We pay them.

March, protest, demand change. That’s what our elders did. They didn’t stare at their phone all day. They revolted against the elites. Come on people!!!!!!!

I like it , I'm an American

Trump! Trump! Trump! What's up with high tax bill?

Aren't our elected officials supposed to represent the will of the people?

Ideally they are. However, Marx and Engels were right when they said "The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie." in the first chapter of the Communist Manifesto. This is further confirmed by an academic study entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens.

Today, they represent the free will of the Russian president. He played the USA big time and help put a reality TV personality in office to mess everything up.

What's the problem with lowering taxes?

For the top 1%. You forgot to add that.

They get the biggest tax cut but are still the most taxed. And not only for the top 1%, even if it's a small change it's still lower for EVERYONE THAT'S TAXED. Not just them.

With the deductions the "rich" have, they are not the most taxed. Most hide their $$$ offshore to avoid taxes. It is hard to understand how people believe the BS the GOP is putting out there. It's a money grab and nothing else. The tax changes don't take effect until 2019 after the election when they want to save their seats before the real tax story is realized.

It would be great if there was a decentralized way to cross check representative votes with constituent desires, and then hold representatives responsible for voting against the constituents.

That'd probably be too much democracy though.