Another upload! EPIC Sarah Huckabee Sanders Tweet Goes Viral

in #dtube7 years ago

I'm trying out using in addition to/instead of YouTube uploads for some of our clips. This is the most viewed new clip of the past week, and I've selected it for the test.

--Before Sarah Huckabee Sanders was the White House Press Secretary, she tweeted "when you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing," a statement that has not aged well now that her boss, Donald Trump, is attacking the FBI and under criminal investigation

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But that was different! Everything is different!" - SHS as her head explodes

The problem is her head doesn't explode. She was chosen for this position because she will put out whatever position is opportune at the moment without any hesitation. You could see Spicer struggling some times, it was causing him pain to lie. Not so SHS. She's perfect for the job. The only heads that *explode are ours...

She's definitely exactly the kind of sociopath Trump had in mind when he said "the best people". She might even be a psychopath like him.

Foe the retweet right?

Stop posting gifs. What is wrong with you?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: she must not know that what you say, is a reflection of your character.

This needs to be retweeted at her mercilessly.

Doesn't matter. All she's gonna say is

"Trump isn't being investigated by the FBI. He's disappointed with how they are behaving. When I tweeted that, there were people who were bashing the FBI just for investigating them. This is different."

She is indeed perfect for the job. I believe she enjoys it, too. She enjoys the control she exerts over the press corps. I've read interviews where she expressed her contempt for liberal intellectuals, as well as resentment for the way she was made to feel like a poor relation by DC insiders when she ventured north before she was appointed Trump's press secretary. She has both a chip on her shoulder and an axe to grind.

Sanders is in the catbird seat. She can put the press in their place - remember how she jerked them around with her long-winded beer parable the day the Manafort indictments were unsealed? Or the day she made reporters list the things they are thankful for before she would answer their questions? There's a measure of payback in both her control and her steadfast, and sometimes insane lies. This is her chance to stalwartly defend the President, as well as her own political ideologies against the liberal press, whom she regards as hostile, while at the same time, 'keeping them in their place'. This is probably the best job she'll ever have.

I'm still not sure what to think about D.Tube . I like the idea of it, I just have yet to see a video in, say, a group of 5, that doesn't skip or pause. Full disclosure, I'm not sure if it is related to the encoding, file size, my connection, or what. I would love to see this pan out though, I'm tired of being the product for the service.

Well she looks like she is having a good time.

She is a big joke.

What be this "D.Tube" thou speaketh of?

Nice watching your video. My question though is, will it matter what history reveals about these people? I say this living in a post-truth era. I mean, this small finger orange vulgarian of a president with the funny hairpiece, though not the inventor of this culture has exploited it to the fullest, only because there was enough people to go along with this garbage.

After all, I think it was Finklestein who wrote that the GOP is now a radical insurgency, that has become scornful of facts.

Kinda slow. But OK.