
World politics has gone funny.

There’s a glitch in the system. Either that or it was always a bit funny, we just needed a clown in there to make it apparent.

Pakman, can you post your videos on dtube before youtube? Its easier to watch your videos here if the content is available her first.

we mix up where each piece of content gets posted first, but we often post some stuff to dtube before youtube

What also concerns me is this idea of the "Trump base": a minority of voters who will support Trump no matter what idiotic thing he does. This group has utterly lost the ability to police itself. They listen to one news channel that is nothing more than propaganda and spin. When someone tells them that Trump did or said something foolish or reckless, they stick their fingers in their ears and whistle to drown out the bad news. This is not how rational people act.

And it all seems to boil down to uneducated white men deciding as a group that their lack of intelligence and talent should be worth more in the economy, so they prop up an idiot billionaire who promises them high paying jobs, as long as they put up with a few minor details: a president who doesn't read, can't engage in an intellectual conversation, has no idea how our government or Constitution works and gets bored when people try to teach him, lacks self discipline, frequently loses himself in fits of anger and panic, and basically acts like a spoiled brat who never grew up.

This state of affairs is collective insanity. Maybe we need to attack this Trump cult directly. If one of these people work at your company, fire them. If one of them is a co-worker, do everything possible to make them look incompetent at work. If they run a company, boycott their products. Ignorance and stupidity have no business or social value. We need to start enforcing that.

Maybe he's upset right now

Yes, it is not normal. I do not know how to think and how to think

This theme is confused. I do not know if he has any mental problems, but of course his pattern of thinking does not match the responsibility of the place he occupies. His words are very weighty, even when we speak time we measure words from time to time, imagine a president of a nation so influential in the world. The minimum that is expected of a president, is to know how to speak, not to speak what comes in the head. It's taking too long to take twitter from him! lol

Hey man I enjoyed your content I hope you check out my profile aswell that would make my day!!keep up.

Why are the bipartisan calling for impeachment?.truly i can't categorically say that trump defending himself is not normal anyway.but it should be look critically to what bipartisan is saying.

Just to be clear.
You want to prosecute people using their tweets as your evidence.
Who is next?
I wonder if anyone you agree with politically needs to lose their job over a tweet.

Or we could let them battle it out and call it quits on this experiment called homosapiens.

Occasionally on the bonus show you should mention sponsor deals you got going.
I appreciate not wanting to spam members but you normally choose ok companies so mentioning it once would be fine.
I remember you mentioning a few like the solar investment company. I only saw this one because I was caching it to my IPFS node and listening.

What do you expect from an attention seeking pathological liar and narcissist with delusions of grandeur?

You are correct. It is not normal to attempt psychological evaluation of someone you have never met.
It is quite abnormal and devoid of ethics.
It is almost as sad as your attempt at humor about the red button.
Ya... Trump thinks there is a nuclear button on his desk......hooookay........ such knee slapage