Wow. Thank God this was brought up. We get to share our mindsets of success and learn from each other.
Many intelligent people end up in professions that focus on their predominant skills rather than their passions. Throughout their lives, as intelligent people aim for their self imposed benchmarks, this can leave them feeling unfulfilled and having aspirational stagnation as time passes.
Sadly this is common place and where the majority of intelligent people live their lives; being too good at what they do, they develop complacency, but are too scared of change to go it alone and follow their passions.
It’s strangely ironic, especially since intelligent people are best equipped to follow their dreams. They tend to have a clear and definable desire or passion, and they tend to have the money since they should have well paying jobs. So what stops them waking up and making the conscious decision to make a change?
If you study some of the most successful people and ask them what they did to propel themselves towards success after periods of being unsuccessful, they all tend to agree and proclaim that once you decide to follow your dreams, structure was the most important ingredient to add to their planning, desire and determination.
May God help us to direct our mindset to the part of fufilling purpose.
We all want fulfillment which is something not all types of success can bring