Affirmative Action's Moral Dilemma

in #dtube5 years ago

Wow - another video on affirmative action from Desi-Rae... it's probably going to be interesting.

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US is fixing a racist system (favoring rich, keeping poor neighborhoods in the poverty cycle where no one can afford eductation or has jobs in an area) with another racist system. that is just a bad fix. let me give you an example of a better fix.

how about having free education so everyone has the same opportunities to go to college? its not impossible, as most of europe has now free education, and germany even offers free education for non-europeans... also the system of reparations as described by politicians, being taxed and funded depending by race also has issues

in germany im from a different minority, which is being discriminated against (only within germany, and not as bad discriminated as what i hear about US): east german (they often treat them like US treats mexicans saying they steal the work and they should go back to east germany where the economy is destroyed by poor decisions during reunification and discrimination of companies). after the union of germany, east germany was pretty run down from years of communism. so they introduced an additional 7% income tax for all of germany, to rebuild east germany (what they could have done better was include a legal requirement for them to actually spend it on east germany, which they often ended up not doing). now they want to get rid of the 7% tax, and introduce a tax that is meant to improve the economicly poor areas of germany... this could be done in USA, since due to slavery, and segregation, there is such thing as poor neighborhoods that are mostly black, but it would also benefit some of the worsed neighborhoods that are not black...

I'm pretty anti-government involvement to fix this issues, but I like your recommendation for the fact that it helps people who need help, rather than people who fit a historical persona.

idk i think US is a strange country. No other country has as insane hospital, medicine and university prices as USA. I dont think its much to do with US involvement but more to do with them giving these institutions the power to keep increasing the price, like for example allowing hospitals to hide the prices to allow them to charge any arbitrary amount as a surprise. this goes against both capitalistic and social democratic (or as bernie sanders would call it "socialist") ideals, by going against competitive market and peoples welfare... as a result you have insane inequality which would usually be a characteristic of a developing country.