this is such a canard. fucking bullshit. the second amendment itself says well regulated militia. lets all ask steve scalise if he feels that well regulation worked when he almost got murdered by some lunatic who had ridiculously easy access to guns. I'm not against guns completely but clearly there needs to be a better process.
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what you just did there, was used fallacies for an argument, an appeal to authority from Stephen Joseph Scalise doesn't grant you some super knowledge, no it is merely just an option from a politician. The next thing I have to engage here is the fact the scribbles on parchment do not grant you rights, even the so called founding bureaucrats knew this, rights are inherent and inalienable. The next thing I want to show isa the ignorance of the Second Amendment and the wording, even that it doesn't mean anything anyways, the Government has violated it many time, but why would anyone expect any less. The well regulated part meant well maintained, the militia part meant all the able bodied people, then they seperated it with a comma"because that is what they did in that time to not waste space', the right of the people to keep and bear arms, which then they added shall not be infringes, which means that government could not take away from. The fact is you seem to be fearful of something, and I understand, all the TV you watch and media that tells you to be very afraid of something, kinda like a caveman stuck in his cave, instead of coming out where he can explore, Governments are good at using fear to make sure the people do not rebel against them, I say good luck with that , my friend.