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RE: The Free Market Has Spoken DTube Is Here! A Blockchain Solution To YouTube Censorship! (Interview With DTube's Creator)

in #dtube8 years ago

That is my concern too. I don't think big YouTubers will rush to Dtube. For daily vloggers it might be just fine with seven days "monetizing", but for creators that use days, or even weeks to create good videos, it won't be a good solution. I fear it will be lots of crappy videos, at least in the beginning (which is bad because it might scare people from publishing. However, I think this is the beginning of something big.


I agree with this @dieterschneider - the 7 day monetization is a real turn off as long articles and videos take a lot of research and preparation before they are ready for publishing hence the quality of the posts and content is deeply affected. Other than that I think this is a great step forward.

Yeah, I think it already shows unfortunately.