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Haha ! Blockchain !!!!! 😂😂😂
Blockchain yea hahaha
Mike Adams is making a fool of himself, but he probably doesn't care that some of us actually read the code which is open source btw and has no backdoors that any cypherpunk cared to point out that of course would have made them famous for doing so. What a joke.
OK Jeff ! Ill Bite ! 👍👍👍

Remortgaging their homes??? Whhhaaatttt!!! Haa!haa!ha! this rate there won't be any left for the rest of us! FANTASTIC POST!!!
Sure wish I had some LOL!! 😂💲💲💲
Great post Jeff!
Whaat?? Thabks for your video ✔✔✔
Very good post my friends
Wow it was fantastic. Thanks for sharing @dollarvigilante.
thats a great concept one..i appreciato to your content best of luck...✌✌👌👏👏
At what price will BTC hits its top price? when is that supposed to happen ?
Did you expect an actual anaswer to this questions? if that was known, it whould change in that same instant, making it not valid anymore. In other words, its inposible to tell. But Its not there yet, that im fairly sure about. I do think, however, that it wil hit the top sometime between now and during 2020. But thats just my speculation.
Is it a great opportunity? Thanks for the post
buy before its fly to moon😂
By the middle of 2018, I predict that cryptocurrency will be a trillion dollar market. Agree?
Definitely! I believe that by the end of 2018 the total crypto market cap could surpass 5 trillion USD. In 2017 it went from 15 billion USD to way over 500 billion USD. No company could ever grow this fast.
Keep in mind, though, that it's not a "company". So, comparing it to companies is like comparing apples and oranges. $5 trillion is a bit far-fetched. I'd say maybe around $1.2-1.4 trillion.
I wasn't comparing it to any company, and I don't think it's far-fetched at all. From 15 billion USD to 500 billion USD (and it's still growing) is a rise of well over 3000%. So I don't see how 5 trillion USD would be far-fetched, since this would be a 1000% rise. Since the crypto market is growing progressively, I would expect an even bigger growing percentage than 2017.
That's only possible theoretically, but not practically. For example, if you're a newborn, then expect your rate of growth to increase rapidly and fastest around puberty. However, you will reach a certain point, where your body (system) will not sustain the same growth rate.
Consider the GDP of China...China experienced double-digit GDP growth rate, but has failed to keep that going. There are systemic limitations to how much something can increase.
There are other more technical reasons for this as well. It's late at night where I'm at so I'm not gonna get into it right now.
I see your point man, but now you are the one comparing apples to oranges. For cryptocurrency, it's possible theoretically AND practically, since this market is so young, and the demand for this technology is enormous. In the long term (5+ years or so) I would agree with you and say that this growth rate cannot be maintained. But for the next few years at least, we can expect even bigger growth rates than 2017.
Let's see what happens! That's all I can say for right now...
wassup home boy hit me up bro
Do your thing Jeff!
It's just a matter of time when paper money will be replaced, in a couple of years this will surely happen.
These Holidays Will Be Jolly In Deed! Happy Hannukah! Hahaha
Hahahaha living how crazy people get over money
Gusta me!
Как вам не надоел этот алкаш-популист,самозванный "анархист"..FUK..(((
Yea death pledge right? Bitcoin is the new show