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RE: Working on the painting 'Dissolution of Form' - Part 2

in #dtube6 years ago

I'm an old die-hard oil girl. Of course I moved to digital but even in that when I 'paint' I often default to oil. You are making me consider some acrylics on canvas this Summer. Of course it's the only time I can really consider it, as then I have my Summer studio open and can make a mess, right now I'm happy for my 'studio in my bag' concept, as I am not at home again and when I can steal a moment it's nice to have it ready.

Yet, I am missing the messy close the door and play about in the studio feeling. It will come again, as will Summer and the heat...I hope.

I have to watch your video now :)


I wouldn't mind the winter, I just can't wait to have long days again!