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RE: Increased Carbon Levels are Not Causing Global Warming

in #dtube7 years ago

As you are aware in recent history and the present there are huge Redwood trees. At one time all the continents had massive forests. It is possible that there might have been trees substantially larger than even the largest trees that we have now.

Okay so perhaps the trees are not as large as Devil's Tower but I the largest tree in recent history was 390 feet tall. As you said in previous periods carbon dioxide was higher during the period of the dinosaurs. Keep in mind that the earth tries to maintain homoeostasis. Returning to levels of higher CO2 will require more vegetation - which we no longer have. We no longer have the forests nor water life forms to buffer huge quantities. Roughly a billion years ago Venus was comparable to the way Earth is now. In fact one of the theories around panspermia is that life originated on Venus Source: School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University

At some point there was a cataclysmic increase in CO2 which has lead to Venus to have a surface temperature of 864 degrees Fahrenheit.
I agree that not all climate change can be attributed to human behaviour but perhaps there is a synergy or even a catalytic reaction going on.
A Carbon Tax may be a way that the UN can generate revenue but it has another purpose as well. It is an incentive to explore alternative fuels. Instead of arguing against the Carbon Tax ... promote Thorium.