Many things can be turned into a religion. When someone gets fixated on a belief and believes they are right and the rest of the world is wrong while leaving little possibility that they could be wrong about some things then they can effectively turn almost anything into the same type of mess as religion.
I know "atheists" who as far as I'm concerned worship the state. They treat certain people in the state like priests, and saints who can do no wrong and sometimes effectively have shrines to them in their homes.
I know people that can treat science like a religion, when one of the most important aspects of the scientific methods is to ask questions, and continually challenge everything. It can become a point where they talk about consensus and they hit people that challenge them with Appeal To The Stone Fallacies and basically making challenge and questioning a taboo thing. At that point it is more religion than it is science. It is certainly NOT the scientific method. Asking questions is ALWAYS a good thing in science. That doesn't mean the question is always a good one. :)
So we must all be vigilant. If we become hardened and so certain of any position then we risk turning it into something akin to a religion.