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RE: Masonic Trump Propagandizes Fake Left-Right Ctrl Opposition Paradigm At Masonic "Republican-Jewish Coalition"

in #dtube6 years ago

A lot of fake morality rhetoric at the Republican-Jewish coalition. They talked about antiabortion and other supposed moral issues like defending Masonic trump from the democrat "witch hunt". While the things you want are never defended in reality. They tried getting others to feel like, if you do not stand with the fake morality of the Masonic "Republican-Jewish Coalition, you're not in with the right group. To hell with their yoking up with Antichrist Jews and humanist Roman Catholics. All of these Belial's are incrementally taking away your constitutional rights. They are fakes and phonies that will dam souls by leading them astray away from God's holy Word. Now watch the Masonic slave hypocrites parade themselves with their fake morality at the next "event". With the same script Trump reads from his central banking oil teleprompters.