You have good points, and it is good to have the potential to grow into more censorship free services. I simply hope some team able to design good user interfaces, will design a good user interface to the Steem blockchain.
Also, I hope those who can decide on the Steem blockchain functionalities, will build in functions to be able to block copyrighted material, and block accounts abusing the blockchain and/or other users; The flag feature is not good enough imho.
Yeah, you're right. I hate the ones who ruin good things for everybody else. "You're the reason we can't have nice things!"
Actually, that was the last bit of my reply that I chose to omit (wish I hadn't now)...I'm glad we're all talking about it, AND, even more, I'm thankful for the designers actually working on building these interfaces. They're the ones to thank and the ones to look to, for us to put some faith in their wisdom and talent. We need to and we have to, because they're the ones we're depending on. Good point!
Lets see what the future will bring :)