Someone Poisoned Our Dog,He will not be Alive Tomorrow||What if Today Was Your Last Day?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)


Sometimes life can be very cruel and Unfair. Just the other day I was showing you our dogs only to have one die today.He actually died right before I made this video. Very Sad.

He did inspire me to compile this video. So to him I owe this Inspiration. I'm not going to pretend I'm the hugest animal activist cause I'm not, but I know a wrong when I see one and this is one of those. It's cruel to poison animals for no reason.

Let's talk life issues shall we?

Approximately How many years would you say you have left on this earth?

Let's take a life expectancy of 70, subtract your current age, THAT'S HOW MANY YEARS YOU HAVE LEFT

Mine (70-27=43)

Assuming we all live to 70 years, with the remaining amount of time you have left, what would you like to accomplish?

What are you doing about it?

Are you honestly doing the best you could possibly do to achieve your goals? Are you living a truly honest life?

Let's Back Up a bit

What have you achieved in your life so far?

If today was your last day, would you proud of it or do you feel you could have done better?

What would be your last words?

I leave with you with this song at the end of the video. Hope someone feels inspired.

Sending you lotsa love,


▶️ DTube

Elsie, I'm so sorry about your loss. I made it about four minutes into the video before it froze. I'll try to watch the rest later.

As for the topic, I try to remember that all we have is now. The major shifts I've made in my life are due to me really considering your question. If I were to die today, is this how I would have wanted to spend my last day? Have I told the people who need to know, that I love and care about them? Was I kind, was I grateful, did I enjoy myself?

We all know tomorrow isn't promised but it's easy to live as though we have all the time in the world. We don't. Thank you for the reminder to make the best of this gift of life while we have it.

Absolutely right. Spot on.

I know a majority of us struggle to keep in mind that we are not here for long. That we are just passing by. It's easy to get carried away and forget what truly matters.

I highly do advocate for a few minutes moment of reflection per day, it really helps one to prioritize and focus on what is truly important in ones life.

I am glad I am your today's reminder. Go run the day now. :)

Happy Sunday hon.Hugs.

Wat? Terrible people. I'm sorry for your dog.

I nearly died when I was 26, and I'm hearing echoes of the way that changed my perspective on things in your words here.

Whoah. Really?
Was it an accident or? I have had my fair share of bad experiences. NDE's are nothing great to echo by, the memories are bad enough to ruin what would probably have been a well lived life. That is if one let's them take control.

I am glad to know your perception changed for the better. Take some time to reflect on it today if you can, great way to kick start the new week don't you think? :)

A medical crisis that we still don't know the root cause of.

Sucks..You're still here and that's all that counts. You still have plenty of things to get down as fate would have it.

Warm Hugs

Ouch, I'm so sorry about your dog @elsiekjay. A big hug from across the world.


Thank you hon. Aren't you just a darling. Hope you had an amzing weekend. Thank you for the big warm hug.

Lotsa love.

Thank you @elsiekjay! Yesterday was a great day of shooting landscape photos. Hope your week goes better than your weekend.

Loving the Meadows video!! That's a great outdoor environment in the wild. I can only imagine the kind of photo shoot I'd have on that grass xD
Its Monday :)

Thank you @elsiekjay! There are a lot of incredible areas where I live but that meadow is one of my favorites. People shots would be fun out there... Still Sunday evening here.

This is some deep stuff to brood upon.

I like it deep. Welcome to my world xo

So sorry for your loss
to answer your question : I will never feel that I did enough . I worry more about doing the right thing . Many option come across our path . but which one is truly the right one .

Wow. You should hence forward strive to do what your heart desires, that is how you know what's right and what's not. Your heart will never mislead you.

I have seen people go after what their heart desired and it was definitely wrong . But I do understand what you are saying, meaning :)

Hahha...Oh no. My heart has never mislead me. Maybe I should have said conscience? Those people were definitely not listening. But then again, if they were men, that would explain it..
6th Sense is a God given gift to women.

Owww dear! I'm deeply sorry for your loss..... The world isn't a safe haven anymore; even animals get to share in the dilemma.
Would've loved to check out your video but then, it's not going through.... Stay strong friend; much love @joyart

Sorry to hear about your dog. It is hard to lose a loved one, even when it is "just" an animal - they are so much more than that to us!

i'm working so hard at bringing my stories to life. I have many things I'd love to do with what remains of my life, but it seems that writing is my best chance of making some of those things happen. Thanks to Steemit and Dbooks, it really is coming together!