Months ago I was a shell of myself. The scoreboard read "depression 77- Earl 0". But I didn't stay there although I thought it was going to be a never ending journey to the abyss. Then I rose out of the sunken place with a new fire burning inside.
Oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear about that. I didn't know that you once experienced severe depression.
Tho I'm happy for you now. I'm happy that despite of everything, you scaled through and you're now a good and better person. You came out well refined and sound and you're now so much better. I'm motivated and your story is inspiring.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us. Many persons will learn from this and have hope that everything will eventually become better.
It's a message of hope and struggles
The fire is useful for refining things. It's painful in the moment but it causes you to become stronger. Thanks for understanding.