It's been two months since I got my MRA bracket and after a rough start, it's been fantastic.
The first night I used the device I stopped snoring and I have not snored ever since.
At the start, it's not the most comfortable thing to wear in your mouth and in the morning you will wake up with a very stiff jaw. It does hurt a little.
It took me about 3 weeks to get used to the device. But it's now at a point where I barely notice I have it in.
My quality of sleep has increased 10 fold. For two mean reasons.
- I don't get shoved by Bianca when I snore anymore. Waking me up. (Multiple times per night.)
- I don't have to struggle for air in my sleep. (I sleep much deeper)
I wake up more refreshed and with no headache in the morning. I have more energy in general.
I talk about it more in my vlog.
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I live in the UK and for August it is still blazing hot. I think it was one of the hottest days of the year here yesterday. It also rains a lot here so I don't mind the hot weather but it is the worst when you are trying to get to sleep.
My little brother used to do this as well. It would always make me panic when I heard him gasping and struggling to breathe. We went to the doctors a couple of times and they in the end also gave him an MRA bracket and now he doesn't snore and sleeps fine.
It is a wonderful thing and I'm glad that it was able to help you in the end. It reminds me of when I used to have retainers. I hate having foreign plastic objects in your mouth but I guess you have to persevere if you want to resolve a problem.
It seems like your quality of sleep is getting better and better with the MRA bracket and going to the gym. Having a good nights sleep is always important and reflects how you will feel the rest of the day.
Not going to lie it looks like you have some animated white teeth of some sorts. It kinda scares me to be honest. I understand what you mean when you say they are not the sexiest of devices haha
I hope you have a great day @exyle! :)
Can you make a D Tube movie of this?
It's great to know your MRA bracket has worked out so well for you. I might try getting one for myself to help handle my snoring problems. After reading your description about how it benefited you, I believe it will also help somewhat with people who have sleep apnea as well.
I have sleep apnea. A light form. It completely disappeared.
That's wonderful news, it should improve your health quite a bit. I've read stories of people having quite a few health issues that developed from having sleep apnea. It's great that such the MRA bracket could help you with that issue without requiring surgery.
I've never heard of an MRA bracket. (I didn't watch the video...I seldom do).
What is it?
It's a mouthpiece I sleep with that prevents my lower jaw from collapsing and closing of my windpipe causing me to have apnea and snore.
Picture of the thing on the bottom of this post.
huh...first I'd heard of it..

I've been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea myself..
I have a 'blower' that injects pressurized air into my nose while I sleep.
it's called a CPAP machine I think...about 17lbs overpressure.
At first I didn't like it much but now I rely on it....been using it for a few years now.
I have seen these machines. A friend of mine has the same thing. I'm glad that's working well for you. It has done wonders for him. (he used to fall asleep randomly).
sounds like narcolepsy...which I have self-diagnosed that I have as well.
I wish I had known this 10 years back. At hostel one of my close friends snored so bad that I could not sleep for days n months. I almost failed in an exam due to lack of sleep. I am glad you to hear your sleep has improved and even more happy for Bianca since I know how painful it is to sleep next to a person who snores. 😎
Congratulations...Wearing a bracket all night in itself is a great achievement, glad you are successful in controlling your snore.. Bianca must be really happy now, as people who share sleeping space with snoring spouse may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.
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I used to have this room mate who snored and it was just terrible. Should have known of this invention, I would surely have recommended it to him (kudos to your lady friend holding it out before ^^).
What a wonderful device, nice to hear that the snoring has stopped and you are sleeping more soundly :)
@exyle - These evidence are very useful Sire. Actually, Snoring is an extremely annoying thing for a peaceful sleep. So as you said in the above article, by using this device called MRA bracket, people can get a good sleep without snoring. Isn't that so Sire? Thank you very much for sharing this valuable data with us. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
This type of problems mainly faces man. You know friend my elder brother also have the same problem .whenever I went to their house I couldn't sleep, he snored so loud that, the next room also have much sound. I have to tell him that MRA bracket can remove the problem. Thanks for sharing such a valuable information, have an wonderful time friend.
As someone who's had issues sleeping in the past, for different reasons than yourself, it is an amazing feeling to start finding regular and better quality sleep.
('Windpipe' it's called - i'm listening and typing!)
Really happy for you (and Bianca) that you have solved this.
LOL @ unsexy downside! At least you are geared up for Halloween! haha
Thanks, windpipe it is :)
We are inventive with our words for sure!?!
Oh you said "snoring", yeah that's annoying! And it also say "Hey I am sleeping". So better you solve the matter by using MRA! Actually I don't know what was that! But nice to hear that! Sometimes, it might be useful thing in future. (I think I am not yet snoring :D)
Thanks for sharing your life experiences with us! Really appreciate your effort!@exyle,
(My voting power is still regenerating, therefore please allow me four more days to provide 100% upvotes for your posts)
i think i defnitly recommend it for my boyfriend snoring is uncomfortable for me and for him its great that it works for you..but i know it will be a struggle to get my boyfriend to use it
nice informative post @exyle, i am glad to hear that you are able to solve your snoring problem that's wonderful, the MRA bracket is no doubt a amazing device, my father snored while sleep from very long time we use different tricks to remove that problem but not able to do so but now you shows a great mra bracket i save it's photograph and should ask my father to use this device. have a great day and thanks for sharing.
snoring is the really common problem many peoples are facing now a days, you did a fantastic job to find out a tool to get rid of that problem, i think this problem mostly find out on those peoples who use their brain more often than not or in other words peoples who get really tired by going through their day. i am new here Upvoted and followed you now.
Nice one! I know somebody who can definately use this as well :-) Good hours of sleep are necessary for everybody but in special if you want recover from your exercises and build new muscletissue, not enough (quality) sleeping hours will kill you results! (and relationship in some cases) :-)
I need to get my darling hubby one of these!!
His snoring is so bad and so frequent that I end up having to go into the spare room most nights as he keeps me up and then I end up kicking him and waking him up! So not a good night sleep for either of us :-(
It has done wonders for me!
It's hubby's birthday in September.... I wonder if he'll be annoyed if this is his main bday present?!
Or is it too obvious that it's more of a present for myself....
I've heard about a bit of time about this thing but I've never considered it since it sounds uncomfortable and I don't really have sleeping issues anymore but if they come back I'll consider it. :)
It takes some time getting used to but after that it's fine.
That's awesome you're getting such good sleep now. I remember when you went to the Dr and and had it made. I wonder if she ever checked out Steemit?
Getting a good night's sleep is so important and maybe this is something I should look into. I'm a pretty bad snorer also and wake up constantly throughout the night. I always feel tired. My minds made up. Going to call tomorrow and make an appointment with my Dr and get the process started.
Thanks a lot man for giving an update on your progress and I'm really happy for ya that it's worked so well. Who cares what it looks like if it does the trick. :) I'm sure Bianca loves being able to get a good night's sleep as well, something why wife would greatly appreciate also.
Thanks again man and have a great night!
Hi @exyle thank you so much for your post and I love your vlogs! I create videos myself and am now following you! Also, I had a qestion. How do you make a blog post with a video (like your blog) and post it on DTUBE without making 2 "posts" on steemit. This is probably an east answer, but every time I make a DTUBE post, it makes a blog post for me as well?
My sister badly needs this! I will be informing her of this. She really snores a lot at night and has a hard time sleeping I bet this would be the solution!!! I am not sure what to do about the rest of her problems though.
Great info and health your life. thanks your posting.
Great dtube video. very interesting information and writing. very nice post 100% like and resteem
amigo #resteemia at your service
'no more snoring, used MRA bracket, a deep sleeper' makes more energy. nice to hear @exyle
'UpVote ReSteem Comment'
Thanks for sharing @exyle... I totally need one of that device lolz... blessings
It's good to hear your MRA bracket helped you and Bianca out so much! Good for you, guys! MRA bracket was a great choice!
You can also add some exercises to it, health is wealth.
hi my friend exyle today i post my introduction post on steemit kindly if you have time you see my introduction post and see how i introduce my self :) i upvote you if you liek then upvote.
Congrats with your new snore free life!
i hope its going good saw the MRA bracket for the first time ,hope this snoring problem goes forever :)
Great topic
Thanks for sharing
Wow i think i need to visit my doctor and ask him about this! Tnx for sharing @exyle
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