For quite some time, one of my favorite YouTube cannabis personalities I watched was Lex Blazer. If you do not know who he is, Lex Blazer is a cannabis educator and businessman. And his videos ranged across the gamut of the cannabis subject. He has videos on growing, vaping, history, and making edibles. But YouTube axed his site. And I've been trying to invite him over to Steemit & Dtube.
Lex Blazer had been warning his viewers for weeks this was going to happen. Apparently, YouTube has a DEA bug up it's ass, (see what I did there), and has decided to take down all their drug channels. When I click on a Lex Blazer video to watch, it brought me to a termination page.
And, the irony of it all, is right under the termination notice, there are several suggested channels. Guess what? Everyone of them are embroiled with corporate advertising. And as we know from our studies, anyone involved with corporate advertising is essentially compromised. And by compromised, I mean, you cannot trust what they are all about, because they will always have an agenda to foist upon it's viewers.
Ironically, YouTube didn't do any homework with regards to the rise of cannabis use and it's growing legalization. As we now have 29 states with some form of legal cannabis, YouTube seems to have sided with main stream media with a negative attitude towards marijuana. So, this does not seem to be a sound financial decision. And I am not buying it that they are worried about getting sued by someone for videos about cannabis. Lex pretty much ran a cannabis university with a lot of online learning.
One of the things I like about Lex Blazer is his perfect diction. You might think that is weird. But, when you hear him talk, one thing you will notice is his precise delivery of each syllable in his words. And, while I am not sure why, I know it's fun to listen to him talk when you are stoned. Also, his videos are so educational, all they can do is enhance your life.
As previously stated, I have invited Lex Blazer over to Steemit & Dtube. Join me, if you can, and reach out to him and ask him to join Steemit by tweeting him at @LexsWorld.
I like your article bro......also, you succeeded :)
Thanks man! Appreciate all the good info on your channel!
Yeah bullshit decision based on failed policies, that somehow still can bite your ass!
They appear to have reversed their decision. Lex beat it. But, still...have to be smart and hedge your bets and not allow your video sharing be controlled by buttholes.
Lex is here - , and he also created his accounts on Vimeo - - almost all his videos are already uploaded there. YouTube completely deleted both his channels in less than a week after the recovery.
"And I am not buying it that they are worried about getting sued by someone for videos about cannabis." - Please, don't buy. They can't be sued, because they are protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act since 1996 from being liable for their content. Section 230 gave blanket immunity to online entities that publish third-party content from civil and criminal prosecution.
YouTube presents itself as a platform, not a publisher. As a platform, it is not responsible for content. They really couldn't sensor 20 years back. But now I just can't wait when Section 230 is revoked based on the ability of YouTube and others of its kind to apply heavy censorship on content creators.
"The dominant social media companies must choose: if they are neutral platforms, they should have immunity from litigation. If they are publishers making editorial choices, then they should relinquish this valuable exemption. They can’t claim that Section 230 immunity is necessary to protect free speech, while they shape, control, and censor the speech on their platforms. Either the courts or Congress should clarify the matter." From the article by Adam Candeub and Mark Epstein: