After two months of hard work on Steemit I have cashed out so shut up you disbelievers

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Watch After two months of hard work on Steemit I have cashed out so shut up you disbelievers video on DTube

Everyone I know was doubting me. Everyone I know thought Steemit is a scheme. Everyone thought I must be crazy to put all my work into Steemit. People actually got upset and angry with me for being here. Finally I used my Steem to buy some groceries. I made enough to pay my entire rent this month!

I hope you doubters are happy now and you can finally get some sleep.

This was the best experience since I started working 20 years ago. I love you, Steemit!

P.S. I am growing my Steem Power to invest into my future. I only take out the bare minimum to pay my most important bills.


Great to hear it's real for you now. For some reason, till you cash a little out and ACTUALLY buy something in the real world... it seems like meaningless numbers, just doesn't seem REAL! Lol
I hope, one day, you look back and say " I remember once I was just happy to pay the rent with this. Now I ...." :)

I like your thinking!

Screw with people even more than just paying your rent, I'm wondering about buying silver bars or something with some of the earnings I make but right now I actually want to earn a stash :P

congrats man, very happy to see members of the community making a living of the technology. keep up the good work. you got yourself a new follower :)

Awesome, I appreciate the kind words. Stay tuned for my Steemy series which will cover all aspects of Steemit from beginner to pro.

Congrats! And I'm looking forward to that series! One thing that I really love about this social network is the focus on quality and helping each other. Thanks for being here!

Thanks Josh, I enjoy the show here. :)

Congratulations @flauwy and good to hear that it really can be done in such a short amount of time!👏💯👏

Thank you, everyone can do it. But most people wont because they don't put in the work.

Congrats!! I am very proud of you! And I believed in you - otherwise I woulndt have sign in steemit by myself!

Thanks, I know you did!

Well done, mate. Congratulations. It can be easy for people to assume it's a pyramid or ponzi scheme, as the whole idea is so novel.
I wrote a post explaining where the money comes from.
Feel free to share it with the doubters, and enjoy your cash :)

Cool, I will read it and let you know what I think!

@flauwy, great job turning what other perceives as a useless hobby into a profitable side hustle.

Here's to moving forward! Your Steemit community supports you.

Steemit is more than a side hustle for me: I am all-in!

@flauwy, I want Steemit to be more than just a side hustle. I am working towards that goal, but I still have a ways to go. I am keeping my eyes on the prize though!

Congratulations! Good for you man. 😀

Thanks, it was really a big relief. All the time I didn't know if it really works.

Well done @flauwy keep the good work. We need a testimonial like yours.

I'm here for a long term as investor, so I will not be withdrawing my steems anytime soon.

Cheers to you.

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you.

I am also here for the long term and my account grows faster than I am spending. That is the best part of it which I should have mentioned in the video.

Awesome.... I have accumulated almost $600 and want to cash out also .... how do I do it ?

You need to exchange your steem to something else like BitCoin or Litecoin. I got myself a BitWala Debit card where I don't have to do a money transfer to my bank. But you can use CoinBase for example and then transfer it to your bank account.

You can exchange your Steem Dollars on the Blocktrades market by right clicking in your wallet on your Steem Dollars. Choose sell. Blocktrades will open and you can select the coin of your choice. I suggest Litecoin over BitCoin but that depends where you want to send it. Then you need a wallet at CoinBase or any other service where you can get Dollars or your currency of choice. There you can initiate a bank transfer. It is all a bit long but worth it. Best idea is to get one of the many debit cards that work with BitCoin.

Also takes 3 months to power down...

You'll get payments weekly though.

Yes and you can also use your Steem Dollars to cash out. I think they are actually intended for exactly that purpose.

Powering down Steem Power takes 13 weeks to be precise.

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That's awesome. You have only been here 2 months and you have made enough to pay your rent? That gives me hope here. Keep up the good work.

Plus flauwy works a lot harder creating amazing posts than most newcomers.
"Keep coming back, it works if you work it." Alcoholics Anonymous.
"Oh Yo! Oh Yo! Check it out. Work it, work it, bay-bee!" Pretty Woman.

Yes, thanks for recognizing and mentioning it!



Damn t, I just saw that I missed my 150th post. I am grinding faster than I can keep track of my little milestones.

150! You're brains on fire! I've made it to 36 posts, which is cool :)

Yeah but your posts are much sexier than mine. ;)

Well, it has been 10 weeks now to be precise. I am actually making twice the amount of my rent but 50% goes into my Steem Power and stays there as an investement into my families future.

Yes, I did but it was a lot of work. I was basically posting every day and I was very active on the platform. On the other hand I believe everyone can do that with some patience and endurance.

Awesome I plan to move and buy some property soon and build my own house to minimize any bills I have. I hope after doing that I can live on a small amount of money. Hopefully I can make that money on steemit. Thanks for your inspiration.

I checked your profile: You are doing great. I left you some tips on your bot post.

You should publish the entire process of searching and finding that new place. Steemit will love this story and you can make money on the way to your dream. Don't wait for after that, start now!

Congrats @flauwy, I am happy for you and happy to see we have hope here in steemit :D

It does take time until your account becomes profitable but much less time than creating a succesful YouTube channel for example.

Thanks for the reply @flauwy
Good luck to you for more cash and to me too :D

Excellent work! I have only been following you for about a week, but your videos have already been useful to me as I learn more about Steemit. Hard work definitely yields good results. I'm glad you have been rewarded generously!

Thank you @cassandraf, it makes me happy that you found it useful to watch my crazy videos. It was a lot of work beforehand and I wasn't sure if people would like what I am doing. Great to see that it works. I will try to improve myself over time.

Your excitement is contagious. Watching you cash out made me excited for my future with the site and currency. Thank you <3

It is still a bit surreal but I love it. The best part is not the money but the motivation to produce and share through instant gratification. I was never so productive in my life!

Fantastic! That gives me hope!! :) Congrats!

Keep steeming, find your audience, be patient, improve your style, don't expect too much. Depending on how active you are success will comer sooner or later.

Hi @flauwy congrats and that is cool if you want the money right now (or if you just want to show people that yes it is possible to make real $$$ US Dollars with Steemit) but really your Steem will likely be worth MUCH more in a years time if you would hold on to it longer.

Imagine Steem = $20.00 USD

Can only go up value ...

Hi @nandibear, you are absolutely right. And I will hold on to my Steem as much as possible. Althoug I am powering down my Steem Power actually goes up faster than I loose. So I am growing my account while I am financing myself at the same time.

Sure, the money I spend now might be worth a fortune in a few years and I might say: Look, there is me eating a bag of tortillas which is now worth as much as a plane ticket. But I have to live now and Steemit makes that possible. So I will continue to grow steady and burn as much as I have to but no single unit of Steem more.

So funny! And awesome! Isn't it amazing? ^_^

It is mindblowingly amazing!

congrats!! It is wonderful how much you have accomplished in such a short time.. Steem on :)

It really was fast, wasn't it? But I must admit I was truely going crazy about Steemit and I invested a lot of time to learn, read, comment, post, curate and so on.

You rock!...nothing more gratifying then proving all the non believers wrong, love it, just shows you can't let anyone tell you what you CAN"T do...just means work toward your journey and believe in yourself.

All these slogans like Just do it! or Never give up sound cheesy but they are actually totally right!

Congratulations, this is wonderful! Diligence, great ideas and professionally implemented techniques are finally rewarded. Finally, you have found the right platform with Steemit :-) I am happy with you - now treat yourself accordingly the deserved relaxation and sufficient time for private activities ;-)

Thank you Ingonieur. This is just the beginning. ;)

This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @flauwy! For more information, click here!

why I can't watch this video on Dtube?

Try it again in a few mintues. DTube is making troubles the first minutes when a video is new.

Try now, it should be fixed.

I made $13,000.00 and that is nothing compared to some people. I have cashed out almost half of it because I needed it. Congratulations!

Wow! Congrats on your Steemit earnings. That's inspiring. Glad you had it when you needed it and could cash out.

Yes, I'm grateful. My son was almost killed in an accident last year and having gotten in here early saved me because I wasn't able to work (I wrote about it recently in my blog).

Thanks for sharing. I went back through your posts and read it. I wish the best for you and your son.


That is truely an impressive amount. I see you just made the Dolphin Barrier with 5,000 Steem Power. Congratulations! I hope to join you there eventually.

Thank you. Last summer was FUNN!

Yeah, I wish I would have been there already. But I guess it is still very early days for Steemit so I am good. The potential is just mind blowing.

Wow, you're so happy :D

Yeah, I was bursting of joy.

Another success story with the magic internet money.

This is good stuff, good on ya man.

Thanks Barry. I feel honered that you swung by. I love your posts.

I want like you be succes in steemit..

Thanks, according to my standards I have already achieved that!

Good for you. Keep it up.

Well done!! Wishing u all the best!

Thank you so much!

Excellent post, you have my vote, when you can go through my post to know your opinion, greetings

Congratulations, you seem super stoked! Hopefully Steem and crypto can change lives around the world for many! :)

It already does all around the world. There are so many success stories on Steemit. Particularly when you live a very poor country but you have access to the internet than it is an absolute game changer.

That's the shizzle. They say it ain't real, but it seems pretty real to me!!! I mean, c'mon, the damn rent got paid.

Yeah and it is a really cool house with garden that I rent rather cheap in Costa Rica. So one could say Steemit is financing the dream for me. In San Francisco you would probably not survive the week with that money. :-D

But hey, I am still growing.

Nice. Garden a bonus, wish I had one. SF is insane. Costa Rica and Panama good spots from what I hear.

Yeah, it is an amazing country down here with high living standards and tropical jungles. Expat country No. 1 for US citizens.

I went from NY to FL... getting closer ;-p

There are leaving planes from Ford Lauderdale to San José several times a day. ;-)

Great to see your success @flauwy! We joined Steemit at about the same time and you have accomplished much more than I have. Hope to catch up with you soon!


Hey, if you work on it you can do whatever you like - on Steemit as in Life. :)

This post has received a 2.65 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

Well this just gave me a huge boost as a newbie. Thanks for sharing.

It wa shard work but everyone can do it and I enjoyed every step of it.

Thats what im waiting for! Got a long way to go though still trying to figure all of this out.

If you still try to check things out on STeemit look at my daily Steemy series where I give great tips every day.

Wow, Brother great job and congratulations!!! I'm so glad to see steemit is working for you, I just signed up a few days ago I hope to be as successful as you someday!
Good luck on all your new projects brother, you gained a follower from me!

Awesome! Stay persistent, write daily, don't expect too much and you will see things start to happen. The first weeks are the hardest!

Awesome man.
Steemit is in my main list of works that I do now.

Happy to see you making money good enough to carry your expenses.

Thanks! We are walking this path here together more or less the same amount of time. Keep on Steeming!

Yo mate !
I was very less active last month but active again now.

Looking forward to make it big at steemit in coming months.

Go for it, you are surely having a great potential! See you on the other side of the rainbow.

Congrats Flo!

Hey, do we know each other?

Am very happy for you because you believed in steemit.. now it's paying off for all those efforts of yours... keep it up and show them what you have achieved now! Btw, we are neighbors... cheers!

Really? Where do you live?

You said you live in 2 places.. one is in Germany.. I live in Vienna :-)

Ah ok, no that is incorrect. I am German but I live in Costa Rica. I am basically never in Europe.

Good work! Glad to see that you are having success here and proving everyone wrong! Have a good day!

Thank you. I think success is everywhere the same: Put in the hard work, fail, try again, fail again and eventually succeed in something.

That is awesome bro

Thank you. It does feel awesome! :)

Great job on making waves and not stopping. I aspire to be you soon. Shut those naysayers up. You rock

Funnily everyone started now to tell me that they believed in me from the beginning. Funny world.

Hindsight is 20/20. As long as you keep believing in yourself and your infinite ability, that truly is all that matters. I'm excited to see where you go from here!!

This post deserves an upvote, Kudos to you sir.

I appreciate it a lot. Keep steemin'

@flauwy that's awesome man I'm glad you shared this story with the community. You along with many others have proven that this is a life changing experience but what people need to know is that it does not come overnight. Hard work and persistence is the key along with networking with others. I'm glad it worked out for you brother and that you was able to crush the naysayers. Steem on steemiteer


Yes, you are right. It is a hard job to get to a point where it is truely worth your time. Many people are not patient enough for that.

Did you buy any steem power at the initial?

Yes, but to be honest that wasn't clever at all. I bought a little bit when the price was about 2 Dollars. It didn't help at all and I wish I hadn't done that. The difference in upvote power was marginal. I made most of my Steem Power by earnings.