I would like to start off by sayimg that I am not a doctor. I am a person that entertains theories that make people think about life and their experience.
Recently I was researching a theory about skin cancer. I have heard many ideas before, but this was the first time I had heard this. This person theorized that the leading cause of skin cancer was.....sunglasses.
I know that seems like it wouldn't make sense. I mean..we wear sunglasses all the time and they are so good for us and our eyes. Perhaps we didn't consider what blockimg the sun from our eyes does to our body.
It went like this...when the sun goes into our eyes it makes our brains send out signals to get the body ready to process the sun on our skin. When we wear sunglasses all of the time it mimics a cloudy day and prevents the body from preparing for the sun.
So I believe that we humans are sun eaters. The sun effects the very food we eat. We consume the sun in various ways. This theory makes sense. I look forwars to hearing your thoughts.
Be well
~The Yeti
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I have never heard that about the sunglasses before, although I had heard of how most sunscreens are carcinogenic, which is why you have to be careful and get organic sunscreen. I also heard about how since some women like to store their phones between their breasts, incidences of cancer in the places on their skin where they keep their phone have started appearing...imagine that, store an EMF generating device right up against your bare skin (which it says not to do in the safety disclosures of every phone) and get cancer right there, amazing how that works.
Interesting video, thanks for putting that out there!
For sure! Thank you for your great comment. Isnt it crazy that we all have our phones glued to us...yikes. Most sunscreens effect the endocrine system with causes hormone issues
I have done extensive research on that topic and obviously, it's not easy to find any reliable sources.
Look into sun gazing - an ancient knowledge of gaining life energy from staring directly into the sun. It should be done early during sunrise or late during the sundown and must be done by a short period of time daily, with gradual increments. Many people have surprising effects: from heath to spiritual.
Extensive sunbathing is not healthy but according to studies, the majority of the people are deficient in vitamin D plus all those sun-blocking creams are highly carcinogenic.
Yes! I love sun gazing. I have done it just a bit on thw homestead. Just as the sun us coming through the trees or setting. I couldnt feel anything health wise, but I felt happy.
Cancer is Trophoblastic. Trophoblasts are deficient in Rhodanese. --- Look up the Laetrile controversy at Sloan-Kettering ( good movie about that ) as well as Vitamin B17