play stupid games win stupid prizes, from watching Live PD and such the police spend a fair amount of time responding to people who are threatening suicide, often people call up the police, they don't have much choice but to show up in those cases. Something like 20% of the people the cops shoot are actually suicide-by-cop. Being a threat to self or others is a pretty common standard for civil commitment in most places. If you see a shrink or doctor and tell them you are going to kill yourself and they believe you they are required to call the police to pick you up or it is malpractice. This guy sounds like he was famous already, he should have just gone on a morning show or something or if he was a musician IDK put out an album? it's even more stupid when celebrities pull stunts to get attention because they can easily get all the attention they want already.
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I think his issue was that he was being blacked out because the evidence he has is against rupert murdoch who owns many of the media companies.
Should have hit up the twitter or instagram or better yet the STEEM blockchain!