Governments may have no other option than UBI after cryptos take away their power to tax people. Once a larger community fully embraces equality and work for common good UBI may be the expression of the community's reward for common added value (redistribution of common gains) This will prove more efficient overall, as the comunity will reinforce itself through the stability UBI provides, and will be more efficient since every member of the community will have more energy to direct at creating > Happy future /// instead of covering the costs of living> focus on the pain side. I know this from my own experience with squatting and food recycling. The most fruitful years..
The big question is, are you ready for this? Would you not just use UBI to get hi all the time and procrastinate? How long would it take for one to get bored of that and start seeking more creative fullfilling way to spend time?
The need for a rest, freedom to just do whatever the fuck I want, or do nothing.. that takes time. That is the healing time for the soul chained with rules laws and restrictions.. once you pass your years doing nothing or as above stated - under no chains , you slowly learn to be your own master, as you have taken responsibility for your own actions and learn to embrace the consequences, since your actions are governed just by your will and not by rules and laws of others, or very important governed by ones "rebellion" against such rules. those are two sides of the same trap.
Then you enter a deeper level
You start to be aware of your carma.
Subconscious patterns of behaviour.
Another type of work, now - the work with oneself. Not against others or them anymore.
In the moments of yourney on this path one has moments of feeling fully realised.
Those moments are Magnetic. As you strive for them and repeatedly bring them to your visualisation, they become more and more present and you feel more and more content with your life. Carma breaks in constantly, but you accept that and dont fight with it anymore. You take it as a part of the journey.
Then patterns of your life become more visible and you understand more and go deeper.
Maybe you start balancing your focus on the EGO/Karma by focusing more on your BODY at this stage.
When you are in touch with your body, and nurture it and take care of it , be nice to it and treat it as a perfect expression of the highest point of evolution of our extraordinary species, then you receive BLISS and Harmony. ..
And then aliens come in and offer you UNiversal Basic Income wrapped as up as an anal probe, but you say, no thanks. Im fine :D
so there are stages
CHAINED - REBELIOUS - FREE to do WHatever -Resolving carma ~ REALISED
and talking to aliens is the next one
Good idea. Nice video. More and more interviews and participants should bring in to giving interviews. DTube is still having some problems. I faced it myself. Even with this video when i right clicked and wanted to see in a separate new tab it didn't work I had to see in the same tab. this happened earlier also. So some more attention is to be put by developers... thanks for the video
is ther ubi in NY i got SSi and SSDI and i can beraly pay my bills p.s i also had a job but not having a car is sad lets just say that