When people are talking about their travel bucket list, not many mention Poland and a few years ago I also didn't really notice the beauty of this country. Even if it's currently not the best travel weather, I want to show you in the next days some things I love about Poland.
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It must be cold in Poland right now?
I'd like to see the beach. Here it was warm enough to sit at the beach today, I hope for the same tomorrow!
Good to see you vlogging, and the Airbnb looks very swish! 😁
It's snowing here :)
It' an unedited picture from today

Thank you :)
Happy to see the snow, just not feel it!
Poland sounds interesting.
That's indeed, especially if you love food :)
I hope You had a nice stay. Greetings from a Pole!
Any favourites? Many foreigners I talked with love pierogi ;)
I will go out someday