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RE: Dreams Crushed And My Car Repossessed

in #dtube7 years ago

As a father and a teacher I go back and forth on the subject of how and when to push kids toward or away from certain plans. Yes, I want young people to find something they are excited about and go for it, but when you’re young, and you live in a celebrity-obsessed culture, those ideas tend to fall into only a few categories: become a Bieber, a Woods, a Gates, or a Gaga.I am loving this post @humanearl.

A few generations ago, children had little choice. They went into the family business or worked the land like their parents did. Now there are countless career options out there, more than most of us can keep track of. I do a lot of career surveys with my students, and half the jobs that come up we’ve never heard of before. What does a Medical Sonagrapher do? A System’s Analyst? (I’ve had this one explained to me so many times, and I still have no clue). But kids want to be what they see. In the past, this was why many kids did what their parents did and why families had generations of cops or teachers or trapeze artists. Today, this is why many young kids, including my own, want to be movie stars, rock stars, pro athletes, and, the now fourth most popular choice I hear from boys, video game designer. Thanks for sharing


I agree many kids want to be what hey see in the media and then there are those kids that want to be themselves and do what they really like. For me I wanted to be a music producer but it wasn't because of what I saw in the music industry. I just really loved and enjoyed creating music.