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RE: The Karma wheel is real here's why!

in #dtube7 years ago

Interesting post, the only thing I do not understand about karma is that all my life I have seen good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to bad people, its a hard one to balance, karma I would like to believe in as it would be good to feel that there is an overall balance to the universe that sorts of all of these things out, unsure how that one aspect balances though, any thoughts on that?

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I think there are two circles of karma at play, our own personal karma and the collective karma, so say for example youre a good person but you live in a war torn Country, so youre experiencing that karma due to human apathy and ignorance to just ignore and accept war. I can only speak for myself that when I aligned with truth (brutal truth) then things started to shift.

That is an interesting concept, I guess this is part of the reason that people struggle with the morality of putting others first because they find themselves in a situation when they do that they do not get back from others, yet the very fact of this in the bigger picture makes the entire situation worse and it goes and on and on, true change will only come when people start to turn this around I guess. Have you seen good things come on a personal level when you have put good out there?
I know many fantastic people and they seem to have terrible luck, they are ethical, nice, kind decent people but they never seem to be able to catch a break, why do you think that is?

Feel free to check out my last 2 posts about mental health issues, would be good to know what you think of them :-)

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