8:44 - Worker Proposal System for Steem
11:56 - How are we going to fund this
17:30 - Take it from the Authors/Commenters
19:17 - Enables Distributed Development
20:33 - Using Stake-Weighted Consensus in Various Ways
23:16 - Meetups and Trivial Proposals and Fees
28:03 - Can this River be Dammed?
31:19 - How does it go from here?
34:10 - Community Consensus Bulding
37:27 - Non-Profits and Escroe Entities
42:11 - RocksDB & steem DB history
48:53 - Hivemind
51:58 - Witness cost savings expected
56:09 - When though and what next?
1:01:00 - Elizabeth Updates
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Great contribution, upvoted some of your other posts