Thank you, that's a good reply, and thank you for the offer of being an ear. You may regret that, but if I can collate as much info as I can and get as fully informed as possible, then I'll feel that I will be able to stand on solid ground when stating certain things. Maybe an advice page as you sign up would be a good idea? It could even say, "Created by Steemians" :) hmmm, maybe, maybe not, just thinking out loud ha, ha.
Hopefully a resolve will discover itself, by some form of default, but in the meantime, I just can't help but attempt to discourage the drops of negativity amonst the sea of market crashing waves, but I do see that I am not alone. My latest kind of beef is with @cheetah, for keep upvoting posts and referring other Steemians to the source from which the plagiarised post (which they are upvoting) has been stolen from.
Sorry, drifted a bit. Thanks again and I might well be in touch to ask for some advice or help, but I won't hound you :).
Take care.