Hello @dollarvigilante.
Excellent lecture/presentation/speech there. I found it so well put that I have shared it with a friend on Facebook, who is about to go demonstrating against A or B political party and asked her that in a balanced, harmonious world without war, is there any place for extremists like politicians? Extreme right or extreme left and those that sit in the middle float in the liberal shit that A and B create. I like to think of it like this:
Those that do not understand Centralisation are not qualified to vote and those that 'are' qualified, never would.
My friend thinks that the revolution will not be peaceful and I have told her to try to take a step back and see what is going on. You can not see the bigger picture from the right, left or middle - you have to be on the outside, looking in, so to speak.
Anyway, I digress a little, but I wanted to say that this video is excellent and I will be sharing it on Facebook, first in messages and then publically, because of the nature of Facebook. I have only gone back to Facebook recently, to campaign against Nestle and Buxton Town Hall for dodgy water rights sales, etc., but I digress again ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
I actually feel very safe, knowing that mine and many others' futures are not in the hands of anyone, never mind safe hands, but instead are offered a way forward. A way out. An answer. I know how difficult it's going to be to convince some people, but those that are ready, will come through and the community can only grow. Your video is excellent for Steemit and a great way to advertise the positivity of Steemit as I see it.
I know a lot of people that are fed up with how things are and there's only been so much that I can do, but Steemit, blockchain and cryptocurrency I see as the way forward and you have simplified the philosophies for e, Sir and I thank you for that. I can only know or not know and in my heart, I know that Steemit, for one, will grow to become something truly amazing and because I see that, it already is. I told my friend that the revolution has been going on for some time and whilst she fights in the shit with the reds and blues of the world, the powers that have been doing what we all vey well know about, will be brought back down to earth and an aim to remove all corruption, dishonesty, vampirism, greed, selfishness and hatred may actually be realised and become a reality. Why? Because it is what we want and we are the majority and we want it because we want to live in peace. It's only governments tell us that peace is not attainable, whilst they bomb innocent people, and that we, as the people that they are protecting, have to pay for this protection? I, you and many others have known for too long that something is wrong and we have tried to fight in a different way.
We seized a court and arrested a judge for high treason some years ago and although the BBC were there and reported on it, no news from them was ever released. I have always said that demonstrating is just a march to their tune and will not change a thing, in relation to the bigger picture, but my heart resonates with many protestors and their causes, because we are all on the same sentence. Not the same book, page or paragraph, but the same sentence and by the end of this book, we will be ready to write the next one, as we will be holding the pen, which is mightier than the sword, but that's a whole diffferent can of worms :).
Thank you very much for all the work that you have done, for sharing the word as you do, for the past experience that you have earned and are willing to share so openly and for being here and now. Videos like this are pure gold to me and the reasons should be obvious, and just in case you are reading this and they're not, then I apologise, for you may not be 'qualified' :).
All the best and please continue with the work, although from a personal perspective, I don't think there is anything that would stop me on my path and I am certain you feel the same. Just glad to be on ship with you, Sir, nice one :).