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RE: Dtube Real Talk: Living With Crippling Anxiety

in #dtube7 years ago

You are not alone! We hear you.

Depression is often the symptom of an underlying physical illness.
I am not a medical professional, but I have from personal experience have a theory, that depression is more often than not a physiological response to toxins that cause inflammation. Inflammation of the gut & brain are known to cause depression but rarely investigated. Depression is often a symptom that something physical is wrong. It is not an easy thing to diagnose. For 18 years I had an undetected inflammatory disease called messenteric panicullitus which inflamed the fatty tissues of the intestines. They finally found it with a Cat-Scan by accident dealing with another issue.

I feel that doctors are too quick to prescribe Prozac or the like before they explore possible underlying causes.
We have so many environmental toxins and toxins in our "food" it's a wonder that we all aren't depressed.

Keep the posts coming!