Stellar Lumens (XLM) is nearly complete in its wave 2 correction and is expected to explode out and surge high above current levels. Elliott Waves show that $2.73 could be tagged for a potential 343% profit!!!
Here is the YouTube Link:
▶️ DTube
Ha first!!!!
This bullshit comment should be aggressively flagged.
Sure, but there's ONLY bullshit comments on this thread.
I seem to be the only one here actually holding Lumens.
I find myself increasingly muting people here already two of the Fuddists on this thread
I'm actually long on Lumens. They actually have a product that's being used. I'm new to Steemit and am wondering if its a place for deep thought or just something else
By the way this is my first post.
The intelligence level is on the whole mediocre here to say the least but as compared to other social networks, there's much, mostly tendential, talk about crypto - because a few pundits are earning money with their projections. They couldn't do that on Google, FB or Minds.
Deep thought about other issues, rather not - and keep away from politics. Steemit's self-regulated by the herd, therefore primate fascism is of the schoolyard sort rather than vertical, and taboos best not be touched upon.
"You are not the only one..." (with Lumens and -possibly- mixed emotions, about this self-regulated -by the herd- area. And to point: always the herd´s opinion/ decision is wrong)
Herd deliberations by definition have to be compromise... that gives herd animals an edge in their immediate ecological niche but it also manoeuvers them into a mental corner from which it's extremely hard to escape, evolution-wise. Maybe it cannot be done, which would explain why history repeats itself.
Btw I yesterday read someone commenting that steemit should force upvotes to be given in a "more egalitarian manner," and that the rewards pool should also be shared more equally. That is such cool herd animal thinking.
If we talk about herd - animals, I agree with you. When we talk about a big amount of people that is in the same boat (like this herd) the word is not compromise for me. We are growing as animals but not as Humans, it´s more like a livestock herd, maybe lams?
This ideas of democracy or egalitarian society works as grass for them.
as society we spend our time in front of a dark and cold glass screen, closing our real windows (eyes).
I don´t like to compare the human stupidity with the perfection of wild animals... livestock are just poor and dependent animals.
Maybe is just that, the result of a life of bad quality food, insufficient good quality pure water, zero nurture, without real love, real care or real attention. A life of blind slavery and fashion followers.
And here we are, as part of this.
I also have some Lumens, which I wish I dump a few days ago ;(
Yeah dump them now, we'll all be better off then
I also hold about 50,000 lumens. Maybe too late for me to dump them... all I can do is to hold on to them until the "soon to come" rebound
Last! :D
is this who-wants-to-be-first contest? lol
I think it just might be lol
lumens gonna rip it
rip the moon a new asshole
damn! I will beat you next time!
It’s hard to get first. :)
it is hard but so rewarding lol
Lol i believe you can .
thanks man! now I will for sure with you supporting me :)
I want to get rich off a first post.
Who doesnt?
Screenshot of final chart:
Stellar will always mimic XRP Ripple. Both have huge long term potential with REAL USE CASE.
Sold all of mine after the airdrops :(
Dont worry... Still its at a bargain. I think it can do better than XRP due to it being technically slight better, just need to capture market share for it to moon further. There are couple ICO's that i recently came across which are on XLM and if this ramps up, there is no stopping it. My personal target for it is 4 in the long run, but i always remove my capital and let the free coins rise till 2022 or so....
Buy it back
nah, it will go down like ripple --->0
Can you see this, and do you know what a Fibonnaci 0.618 means ?
The only thing that keeps us from shooting up is some volume from the chickens who fled at the earliest sign of a retracement. Remember - buy LOW.
The same problem that's plagueing BTC at this time.
Oh, I checked you out now - you're here to actively spread FUD about Altcoins,
I'll have to check if that's an illegal activity - it's certainly immoral.
I guess you might as well forget what I told you as you likely never held any Lumens. Lumen is NOT competition for Bitcoin.
Bitcoin must remain the one coin, right ? Not gonna happen...
And that's not the fault of Lumen but rather of folks like Roger Ver and the miners.
Ripple's only going down for ONE reason. Perception, Coin Market Cap removed the Korean XRP Price from the total average which gave the illusion that XRP was crashing. hence caused a chain reaction. Weak hands selling on the cheap, while the smart HODLers buying more up lol
Looks like one of the best shorts of the crypto space right now. ripple -----> 0
Right, It is now moving back to its previous peak.
Time to balance out some of my Ripple into Stellar.
Good choice.
Ill have to take another look at lumens. I sold all of my initial issue shortly after receiving them as I didn’t want to hold too many coins, don’t fullt trust exchanges and didn’t see them doing much. Might be a good time to revisit that decision!
smart man!
Yeah you shouldnt have done that, Lumens are nicely climbing in intervals while bitcoin is tanking, and tanking, and tanking... the only guy who likes that is a btcmillionaire who upvotes his own comments.
343% Profit Potential, looks really good! thanks.
@skydragon, let prays.. it going lower now
what do you mean numbers will be corrected?
Per a posting agreement, not having to do with the analysis.
oh okay! I thought you were saying XLM would correct itself tomorrow. I am buying now.
Hope to reap the harvest as you said. I have already bought many Lumens.
I will see if this prediction stands.
Ok, I am all in.
Today is 01-08-2018.
NULS has been growing much faster than expected and our new revised target has 105% upside potential for the next 3 weeks. In the long term we expect NULS to grow even more to NEOs level. The actual growth has become parabolic and we could reach a market cap of 1 billion USD at any time.
VCs and Funds are more and more interested in NULS, influential Youtubers started to make videos about NULS in the last few days.
We expect NULS to reach a market cap of 5 billion USD in the next 6 month with the mainnet release.
Whats the biz behind xlm?
The up trend resumes!
Screenshot of final chart:
Do you have the latest chart? sitting at about $0.55 right now and I guess headed a lot lower!
Can you explain how does he find the point 2,3,4 and 5?
anyone is able to view the video? I cannot. I'm using a mac. could that be a problem?
i watched it. Sometimes Dtube slows down..
I couldn’t watch it on my iPhone either...
I still haven't bought any Stellar :( Time to pick some up!
This is 40 000 000 000$ market cap (Bitcoin Cash now). Hmm.
Thanx for sharing.
Good analisys
Hey @haejin, I am also posting TA and FA i find, give me a lookup please!
This would be awesome if it takes off.
I see a cup and handle on the daily chart starting from May to Januari. Then a handle now and it should have an impulse wave now. Feedback on one of my first counts would be great.

Thank you for your analysis, @haejin
Following your XLMUSD chart I took the liberty of drawing one for XLMBTC as you always recommend us in your blog. Would love to hear your feedback. Target would be 0.00021634 BTC for 1 XLM by the middle of March 2018 or so, for a 409% increase in price based on today's value.
What do you think ? Predicted wave 3 at 2.62 of wave 1 and wave 5 at 1.62 of wave 1 considering wave 3 is extended. Thanks !
Good advice. And what do you think about Cardano ? Still worth an investment?
Thank you for updating on XLM! I've been hoping you'd post on this coin.
Now if only @haejin would be kind enough to take look at Cardano/ADA :)
First af all, many thanks for all your analysis @haejin.
Second can you please make a update for dnt, or give a feed back on my charts below
big picture 1

Traingle Corections
Big picture 2
Many thanks
Any update on BTS ?
tomorrow, I'll make it the first post. thx
Haejin, was not able to view any of your videos on DTube. Tried 3 different browsers :(
He accidentally posted the edit link, no one but him will have access to that. Try
And 0X your prediction was right on point today is crossing the 2usd!!! But next want to see long term whats the escenario
They were added to Bitfinex with this price today.
Thanks for 0x, cryptogod!
Bts is sleeping. I am not at loss. Bought at .36 and sold at .90 bought back at .84. But it is underperforming right now. Keep in mind it's had a great run. Has become a long hodl for me. I am only selling my positions with 50%+ gains. Only thing I haven't sold yet is omg. I am up over 100% but I think omg is gonna top at 35-40 and then start correction back to 20s. I stopped loving in and out too quick.
i think it will run in couple of days , lets see .
Just curious are you on the daily chart or 4 hour? Also why do you chart against USD as opposed to BTC?
Remember the world first #Stellar ATM showcased during Singapore Fintech Week developed by @clicyourworld ? Check out their new project update and vision for #XLM being global store of value. #blockchain #futureofpayments
for everyone having troubles with dtube: I'm using the latest version of chrome and don't have any problems, give it a try!
here's the working youtube link
Thanks for sharing
한국분 이신가요?
글 잘읽고있습니다!
한국분 아닌 걸로 알고 있어요.. 아닌 것 같은데... 한국사람인가??
영상보면 영어하시는 목소리가 완전 원어민이더라구요 프로필사진이랑 어떤연관이있는지 궁금하네요
항상 당신을 응원합니다~^^
Stellar will be one of the powerful coins!!! Thx!!!
Using @haejin 's laddering technique to enter Stellar Lumens XLM
@Haejin, can you take a look at Sia at a moment of your convenience? I see 2 almost break-outs in both the BTC and the USD pair. But I might look at it wrongly.
Thanks for your overload of fantastic content!
(Btw: I tried to upload the charts with my lines, but my reputation is too low.)
I am holding a heap but need to buy some more before the boom. Have always thought of Lumens as great, but didn't get a lot when it was really low due to money.
What do you think about ADA? Can you do a chart analysis?
Stellar’s Meteoric Rise and Why Mobius is Set to Orbit from it in 2018
This one should grow. I am looking for 10x, 100x, or 1000x
ZOMG I need to buy me up some XLR
wish i had money to buy this lol
I’m all in on XLM - if it hits, I will be a very happy man!
Don't go all in on one coin. Not because of risk mitigation necessarily, although that's part of it, but also so that you have some to move on another coin if another opportunity presents itself.
I know that diversification is important- I dont have thousands of dollars invested so I’m looking to make some nice gains on XLM to allow me to be a little more opurtunistic- once the value of my portfolio is a little higher
95% of my portfolio is in btc
me too
Air drop incoming.... Lumens for the masses!

Trying to find the patterns that you base this on. Are you just sitting on a computer all day analyising this to post. Good for you. Teach me master for i am only grasshoppa
Start with his tutorials at the end of his posts.
I want to be rich now!!!
@haejin blessings🙏🙏