Advice- Easy to Give But Difficult to Follow

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends,
Hope all are well. Today I want to share with you another vlog about our life. You know the easiest thing in the world is to give someone advice. We try to advise everyone on anything. Because giving advice is so easy, but difficult to follow.

However, we hear different kinds of advice for life, some say try to be honest, some say build confidence on yourself. When asked for the best advice for life, what advice would you give?

Thanks all.

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Yes. Obviously.
We normally talk much but do less. Thats the main problem which you have identified.
Thanks for your good suggestion brother.

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ভাই আমাদের বাংলাদেশী দুটি গ্রুপ আছে, বিডিকমিউনিটি এবং স্টিমিটবিডি, ওখানে ট্রেডিং এর একটি করে চ্যানেল আছে এবং অনেক বাংলাদেশী ব্যবহারকারী স্টিম এবং এসবিডি ক্রয় করে সেখান থেকে। আমার স্টিম এবং এসবিডি ঐখানেই বিক্রয় করি।

্যবাদ, াইয়া।
আমি ষ্টা করব।
না পারলে আবার শরণাপন্ন হব।
আনি কি এখানে বিক্রি করেছেন?

Very well said bro that everyone wants to give advice but no-one wants to follow.. Have a great weekend

I no longer give advice. I listen and ask them pertinent questions. They can decide from there what to do next... There is something incredibly arrogant about advice and the assumption we KNOW enough about the other, and their circumstances.

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Best advice? Never stop learning.
I always try to follow my own advice that way I set the example and always push myself to be the best person I can be