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RE: I Tried Intermittent Fasting... Here's my Experience (Full Blog + Dtube Video Inside)

in #dtube7 years ago

Really nice post, thanks for all the information. Although I'm not really super into health per se (I know that sounds bad lol), I do have a very sensitive stomach and I've considered dietary changes to try and make myself feel better.

This actually seems like something I might be able to try out. I'm working on quitting smoking right now, maybe after 😂.

Thanks again!


Haha I totally get where you are coming from!! I used to not care about any of this stuff (and blissfully ate all the pasta and chocolate cake I wanted), but started to make changes when my stomach started hurting. The constant bloat is what really killed me though... ugh.

Well good luck to you and let me know if you ever try fasting! I’d be curious to hear how it worked for you.

Yep it's rough lol I hear you!

And I definitely will!